What I do to simulatethe newer flex tests; I will pick a ... done from a PT in the 1-30 range, and insert ... after my LG section of the exam. I’ll do 2 ... at random. I still check the “simulateflex” option for my most accurate score ...
I see 7Sage has theoption to simulatethe LSAT-Flex which simply removes one of ... the LR sections from a practice test. From a prep perspective, is ... there any benefit to doing this? I see it from the ... an extra 25 LR questions. What might I not be thinking ...
Hi! So I recently cancelled the June LSAT Flexoption in exchange for a ... wondering how do you access the coupon? Is it going to be ... visible in my account? Or is it something that would be ... my account and there is no coupon visible. The prior 'registrations' have ...
... t get into all of the details). I have about ... semester hours, my time is finite. Should I practice ... At least I know what to expect for theFlex this time, I ... that LSAT-Flex was made by Satan himself. The RC was ... back. Any advice on the best way to use 7Sage ...
@7sage I just realized that what used to be theoption to "simulateflex" on the PT's, it's now "simulate modern." What's the difference, if any? Please explain. Thank you so much!
... like there is a giant, extremely invisible elephant in the room ... with little success. But what has worked in real time ... to know that there is at least one 7Sager ... who loves RC and is scoring -0 to -2 ... I just want to solve the RC mystery to eat up ...
... were curious. So, we ran the numbers using data from PT ... that you have this information, what do you do with it ... situation however, then sure, this is probably as good a guide ... said numerous times before though, the LSAT writers are very crafty.
I've seen the word modality thrown around a lot in discussions. As related to the LSAT, and in everyday English, whatis modality? Examples are welcome! Thanks in advance.
... three prep tests and have the following results:
... the results are encouraging and I am improving. But is ... made if my BR is getting better but my ... Is there anything else that can be deduced? If not, what ... should I focus on to get better on the ...
... have a question on the time when the exams start. Do ... they do a fixed time all around the ... country or is it based on your ... time zone? Also, when does the ... you choose to take the test? Thanks!
... who rescheduled the October Flex to the November one, which is properly displayed on ... LSAC, yet still has the ... 'm worried that cancelling the October Flex directly through ProctorU would have ...
... />
I'm registered for the Jan LSAT, but I'm ... slots to take the exam. Is this even an option or do they ... ? If we do have options, what are they exactly? I'm ... exam whenever you want on the mentioned test days, so there ...
... tip/strategy in the context of RC within the LSAT FLEX.
It ... prime your memory for whatis important in the RC and help you ... and is possible to do on official PTs and on the LSAT Flex ... itself.
... the fall, and decisions typically come out in spring, what ... reason do people that take the LSAT in ... best then the best time to take is as ... takers take the exam in winter/spring. Is it just ... br />
@ People who took the February LSAT or are planning ...
What was the whole process of taking LSAT FLEX? If you moved around a ... little (but still remained in the ... August exam, is this true? Also, whatisthe best advice during the test date ...
I've been taking practice exams on the 7Sage platform but I am wondering whatthe LSAT Flex actually looks like? Will we be able to highlight, underline, etc? If you've taking theflex exam already please let me know!
... am stuck between what to choose on the various LSAT sections ... on the questions I ... doubt, and "E" on the last 5. JY says to ... 20 and "E" on the last 5 for LR. is more reliable?
... I see theSimulate Modern option. Help me out here by explaining what I ... offered Flex (3 section exam - no longer available, but online option to ... test still is) and now they ... 1 of those 4 being the unscored? Goodness...
presumably the point is to reinforce the concepts learned previously. for example ... i just finished the ... here iswhat i dont understand : we were told at the start of the ...
... see theSimulate Modern option. Help me out here by explaining what I ... available, but online option to test still is) and now they ... Yes, this is correct! PrepTests 1-89 are all the "old" ...
LSAT Flex was a temporary measure. The last LSAT Flex included 3 ...
... but that's not an option. Should I take a ... write questions for the LSAT at this point. Whatis most strongly ... supported by the statements above? ... t necessarily studying smarter. Whatisthe main point of the argument? D) I ...
... well on PT's in the 60's, but I've ... . On those two sections, what exactly isthe test doing differently? Has anyone ... patterns or tricky behavior by the test makers? I can't ...
... judgments is to figure out whatthe main point is (ratio ... what a judge is thinking, why they are thinking, and whatthe heck the point is ... of even reading what they think ...