What are some specific actions/ methods you used in seeing ... ? How did you realize what wasn't working and what did youdo to get ... does LR studying look for you? Doyou take PTs, drill, BR?
... to learn a method where you hardly read the passage ... and doing something else. What did youdo for RC? It’s ... reading. Whatis easiest for you to understand the passage and ... answering questions. Any advice you can give or tips for ...
... hard for me to isolate what the causes might be. I ... input.
1. How do I interpret this significant drop ... to 7Sage? And, by extension, what are your thoughts regarding the ... />
3. As general advice, what did youdo to break the high 160s ...
... I just never figured anyone would watch one. By and large ... people would be interested in, whatwouldyou be looking for? I imagine you'd ... possibly a timer? Perhaps there would need to be a separate ... pencil/paper element but would allow for you to see every mark ...
Don't worry about it; it happens! Always keep moving forward. I actually bombed the exact same PT. I reviewed it, took it with a grain of salt, and then moved on. What ever youdo, don't let it affect your future progress.
What it seems like they're trying to do is to preserve the ... " on the rules that requires you to go beyond your rote ... new inferences on the spot. What can youdo? Well.. getting as familiar ... games wouldn't hurt. But what I think is also important ...
... , there's just no way you're going to be as ... calm as you are during practice, so even ... if you retain a lot of it ... .. kind of "what not to do advice" here. What should youdo to improve? I ...
Don't mean to hijack the thread but whatwouldyou guys say about someone who has a really high GPA, like 3.9-4.0? Can that compensate for a lower LSAT score? For example, if someone gets a 165 and has a 4.0 GPA, can that get him into a T-10 school?
... to get a feel from you all, whatwouldyou pay assuming it wouldn ... 't break the bank but would be ... taking that week means that you get a few extra points ...
@mes08 said: What should youdo if you've already taken break(s) ... and you still feel burnt ... more self-care! Break until you're refreshed and just itchin ...
Just curious with the general consences being that most 7Sagers taking the exam yesterday seem to have had the most issues with LGs 3 & 4, whatwouldyou have done differently to better prepare for it?