... to admit you, which is why other schools are a better ... or context.
First, why only 3 lower ranked schools ... NY? Sounds like it. Otherwise, why not consider all the other ... sound more like a "Why X" essay and an LOCI/app update ...
... admit you, which is why other schools are a ... context.
First, why only 3 lower ranked schools ... Sounds like it. Otherwise, why not consider all the other ... sound more like a "Why X" essay and an LOCI/app ... I don’t see why the posts about Spivey ...
This happened to me as well. I recently got rejected from a school where my numbers were median. But I was able to get into a school where my lsat was at the 25 percentile. My best guess is that my Why X essay was particularly compelling.
Should you visit the school before applying so you can write a solid why X essay? Do this for each school? Just for your top choice? Just for reach schools?
What does this mean: "However, in each of the other 2 school LSAC applications, there are specific questions that lead to a "Why X" essay (and an additional "What ties do you have to the area" essay)."?
Does Columbia have a Why X essay? I’ve heard Columbia specifically likes to hear about ties to NYC or desire to live in the city for yield protection. Has anyone else heard this?
... from the things in the "why X" essays you wrote? ... didn’t write a “Why X” essay for them. I want ... t just recycle a “Why X” essay that would already be on ... is that a bad “Why X” essay can hurt you, whereas ... a strong essay probably won’t move the ...
... from the things in the "why X" essays you wrote? ... didn’t write a “Why X” essay for them. I want ... t just recycle a “Why X” essay that would already be on ... is that a bad “Why X” essay can hurt you, whereas ... a strong essay probably won’t move the ...
Some schools have different essay prompts and different requirements that ... to stop working on an essay, but be thorough and put ... 't risk accidentally sending your Why X essay to school Z and ...
... do not specifically answer the Why Law? question, there are ... clearly answer the questions: Why law? Why you? Why now? and For what ... not necessarily need to specify why you want to attend a ... school by including a Why X essay. This essay could be submitted with ...