... law school, I'm not sure if that's ... mean if you have the luxury of not having to ... taken into consideration.. Unless you have the 300k+ like ... likely to get you there. If you want something basic ... Cornell can both get you that, but academia isnot very likely.
... would automatically let them knowyou are aware they normally ... letting them know scholarship offers might sway you (since you are ... perhaps something more desirable. You never want personal statements or ... age, but if youknow your age is literally going to ...
Well, actually, that is a fantastic article. I honestly ... 've always known this youknow? Obviously that is literally the best list ... all seriousness (I bet you this is another one, sort of cliche ...
... the same boat but I know that I need to do ... I missed stupid stuff. If you went more than 3-4 ... focus on fool proofing. Do youknowwhich question types are your weakness ...
... in the same boat as you! Hoping to test in june ... the CC and start pting is hard, thanks everyone for the ... />
I totally feel you; working full time isnot helping. We have several ...
... ’s worth it. You indicated that Penn isnot your top school and ... with your stats I think you ... ’ll get into both Chicago and Columbia. Chicago in particular is ... and then always wonder if you could have gone to your ...
... we knowis that Chris is at the park, we know that Allen isnot there ... park? We only know that when the exception is met (Chris ... to the park), then Allen isnot there every day. But ... intuitive understanding of this sentence isnot air tight enough to translate ...
I agree with @"Cant Get Right". You don’t have to start analyzing the argument when youknow your task is only to look for the conclusion. It saves you a lot of time.
I see. But how would youknowwhich one to use when multiple ... the answer choices to lead you in the wrong direction. Wouldn ... ’t you just be left at square ...
@xadrianas6x I see but regardless i think at this point ima just upgrade my 7sage account. Do youknowwhich PT are good for drilling for beginners and which PT's i should keep for when I start doing timed PT's?
Agreeing with @"surfy surf". There may be a spot in the application where you can mention youknow an alum and how youknow them, though. If not, you can mention at a visit.
Thank you for sharing! It’s good to hear such a big improvement is possible in as few as four months. Just curious but willyou be retaking or is this around the score you were aiming for?
... entrance exams while you’re an undergraduate isnot totally uncommon and ... this is actually far more common the higher you ... students. That’s not to discourage you from doing so at ... such an endeavor is hard and if you don’t necessarily ...
I think we all experienced the drop ... the question is how willyou address it . This is going be based on trends you found in br / weaknesses . Document everything- review (short advice )
... -> B negated is (some A are not B ), it shows that ... />
Did you say “No Jedi use the Force?” That’s not right ... . To negate this statement, you’re denying the ... relationship, you’re saying J isnot sufficient for F (and F isnot necessary ...
Whenever I encounter a double negative that gives me trouble, I rephrase it in my own words. PT46.S2.Q10 is a good example of this. You can rephrase "X isnot indispensable" to "X isnot essential."
... is "no" in front of A, it's the B that will ... be negated while it is A that will be negated when there is "not ... ----> A->/B not A equals B----> /A ...
I have two LGs. One is about flowers and apartments and one is about scientists. Could I knowwhich one is experimental? I really messed up with the first one... Need to knowwhich one is real to decide if I should cancel my score...