I actually write my master game board on the second page. That way my eye only has to move slightly back to the rules for the majority of the questions. It’s been a revelation for my LG practice.
I wrote it on the first page so that I had the rules close by and then QUICKLY copied it on to the second page near the questions. Copying it down had the added benefit of becoming even more familiar with my game board. Just write quickly!
Definitely be careful of doing that too much in LG, especially if your game board is on point or it's an easy game. You're just wasting time eliminating wrong answers if you know the answer 100% in advance.
@nicole.hopkins yea for sure! I also kinda like mapping games because a lot of the times the give you a picture of the game board in the rules. The snowplow, oil paintings, park light games! Fun stuff lol
... : empty or almost empty game board games where you can make ... partially filled or filled game board games (rule/inference driven games ... the questions, sketch the game board quickly but carefully and make ...