I have a completed writingsampleon file from the June 2024 ... complete the Argumentative Writingsample since I have a writingsampleon file already, but ... better to complete the Argumentative Writingsample since I am taking the ...
... LSAT with the old handwritten writingsample, if you retook the ... you have to do the computer new writingsample? or can you just ... you already have a handwritten writingsample from the a previous LSAT ... />
also, can someone show where on LSAC's website or in ...
Some admissions ... arguments like X, but, come on. X, really? That's ... argument. Imagine if that's on an LR section. You' ... ., attacking an argument with "Come on."
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone could kindly provide me with an answer to the following: Are we afforded 35 minutes on the writingsample during the LSAT? Thanks to all of those who will answer.
I was going through the Ultimate+ study plan to see what I'm going to be covering over the next few weeks when I realized that there aren't any lessons on the writingsample. Are there any resources for it? How are you guys preparing?
Using the writingsample to have us ... should be allowed to renege on his vows -- a sick, ... the Watch. Without the brothers on the Wall, however, along with ... darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the ...
This may ... . We don't focus much on the writingsample, but I've heard ... know very little about the writingsample but I'm curious how ... this new form of the writingsample is different than before?
... idea what's going on with the writingsample. Previously most of the ... about the writingsample. Now that we are taking it on our own ... time, separately from the test, will the writing ...
... to do my digital writingsample I had my phone ... got a text during the writingsample, so the reviewers could ... I just kept going on the test and didn't ... the separation of the writing portion from the actual ... LSAC just send whichever writingsample was accepted?
... a more legible and useful writingsample for admission consideration – have come ... therefore, candidates should take the writingsample immediately and to meet schools ... reminder, candidates need only one writingsampleon file to be considered complete ...
... does everyone approach writing samples? Do you practice writing them out or ... do you just focus on the ... I should be practicing the writingsample more than I do (which ...
... this question has been asked on this for in the past ... 'm taking the flex exam on the 17th. I read somewhere ... just have to submit the writingsample before scores are released for ... ? I couldn't find where on LSAC's webpage this "due ...
... everybody! So I planned on taking the writing section last Saturday so ... I booted up the writing simulation to familiarize myself ... risk getting my writingsample canceled on the real writing test due to ... I wanted to take the writing section which shocked me ...
... />
Can we complete the writingsample at any time? I am ... know they opened up the writingsample 8 days ago, but I ... be able to complete it on test day or in the ... days following. The language on LSAC's site just says ...
... August flex on 9/2 and planned on completed the writingsample a couple ... because I am submitting the writingsample 10 days prior to score ... flex exams and submitted your writingsample later? Did you experience any ...
I want to cancel my score using the Score Preview for First-Time Test Takers but does anyone know if this will also wipe my writingsample? I'm not keen on taking the writing portion again.
... stupidly have not completed the writingsample for the October exam yet ... 3 weeks to process the writingsample, I am wondering if people ... I will get my score on the release day. And if ...
... you be notified if your writingsample is flagged for review or ... business days? I took mine on the 13th and don’t ... time to see my score on Friday
Sat down to do my writingsample last night (because I'm ... PSI tech support and was on hold for an hour ... minutes on hold, they give me a new link for LSAT Writing ... call PSI, and am on the phone with them for ... them unlock it?! So back on the phone with LSAC, one ...
It's not very clear on the website. LSAC says that ... actual exam but for the writingsample the instruction page says Headphones ... explanation was basically what's on the website. (she said as ... process??"
I'm taking the writingsample tomorrow. Here's what ... the time constraints of the writingsample) to show that someone ... writingsample so you don't get cold feet on the actual sample ... it matches traditional essays, demonstrating writing ability, and it seems ...