I think it's more beneficial to keep everything digital since it builds your comfort with the digital version. The only paper I use is scratchpaper for games.
... you a little packet of scratchpaper. It is blank (no lines ... ). You can use the paper for any portion of the ... pencils and erasers on the scratchpaper (no highlighters).
... ; What kind of pen and scratchpaper did you guys receive to ... when they hand you the paper test. Only, it's just ... paper inside. You are given this ...
... mean the July 2019 digital sample? If so, I think it ... move forward with the one writingsample that you feel comfortable with ... need to complete a third writingsample. If you're talking about ... two writing samples that you've already ...
... and am satisfied with my writingsample. Then, I took the June ... all handwritten except for the writingsample, which could be done from ... haven't done the second writingsample because I am satisfied with ... look if I used my writingsample from a over a year ...
No, you could write it on the scratchpaper. I prefer underlining the 1-2 words in each paragraph that will prompt my summary of the structure of each paragraph.