... were thankful you got wrong because of the insight ... and then eliminate it as wrong. I am reminded in ... I got this question wrong I simply chose something ... time I got this question wrong I chose (A) because ... I got this question wrong for 2 different reasons.< ...
I was wondering if you might be able to lend a hand? Can anyone tell me when it's most prudent (with respects to sacrificing time) to use the 4 wrongs make it right formula? Are there question stems worded in ways (i.e. must ...
... choice is either right or wrong, I was able to expose ... to fully understand what's wrong with them. I think a ... 't understand why something is wrong if you can't eliminate ...
Before I can get into my actual concern, I have to setup a sort of lengthy background story, so you lovely person taking your wonderful time to read this post could grasp a better understanding of my concern. :D :O :/