If you guys are looking to listen to or read the transcript of Obergefell v. Hodges, here's a link: http://www.advocate.com/politics/2015/04/28/listen-oral-arguments-obergefell-v-hodges
"Sooner or later, you’ll realize that our lessons are just better and you could have spent those thousands of tutoring or in-person class dollars on a boat."
A fascinating essay by Lewis Carroll about learning that I feel mirrors our experience in training for the LSAT. : http://www.brainpickings.org/2014/06/13/how-to-learn-lewis-carroll/
Let's all try to sign on at 8:15 EST tonight for BR group because we want to start at 8:30 SHARP (accommodating West Coasters coming home from work because inclusion). In fact, I will be so ...
This question was, once again, a victim to bad habits. The habit in question was the "they're gonna trick me" habit. Guys, this is bullcrap. Don't choose less reasonable AC's ...