What were the reasons for performing maintenance on the parking area directly in front of the building on that particular day?
Were any other of the meeting attendees also late to the meeting because they had difficulty finding parking?
What are the parking patterns in the building’s vicinity on days when the parking area in front of the building is open?
Does the businessperson have a tendency to be late to meetings?
Was it particularly important that the businessperson not be late to this meeting?
Riverdale’s Modern Party Chairperson: Maples, the Modern Party candidate, would be a better mayor than his opponent, Tannett, who is a member of the Traditionalist Party. Every member of the Modern Party is better qualified to be mayor than is any member of the Traditionalist Party.
Maples, the Modern Party candidate, would be a better mayor than Tannett, his opponent and member of the Traditionalist Party. Every Modern Party member is better qualified to be mayor than any Traditionalist Party member.
Notable Valid Inferences
For MBT-Except questions, the wrong answers are all Could Be True. The one right answer Must Be False.
Tannett is better qualified to be mayor than any other member of the Traditionalist Party.
Maples is the least qualified Modern Party member for mayor.
Maples has the least seniority of any member of Riverdale’s Modern Party and was recently ousted from the Traditionalist Party.
Could be true. We don’t have any information in the stimulus about Maples’ seniority status.
Tannett would be a better mayor than would any other member of Riverdale’s Traditionalist Party.
Could be true. It is possible that Tannett is the best member of the Traditionalist Party, but not better than any Modern Party member.
Few residents of Riverdale believe that Maples would be a better mayor than Tannett.
Could be true. The stimulus does not provide any information about what residents of Riverdale believe. We cannot assume that Riverdale’s Modern Party Chairperson’s beliefs are representative of the residents.
Of all the members of Riverdale’s Modern Party, Maples would be the worst mayor.
Could be true. The stimulus tells use that every Modern Party member is more qualified than any Traditionalist Party member. It is possible that Maples is the worst in the Modern Party, but still better than any Traditionalist Party member.
Tannett is better qualified to be mayor than is Riverdale’s Modern Party Chairperson.
Must be false. The stimulus tells us that every Modern Party member, not just candidate, is better qualified than any Traditionalist Party member.
Most people who have a genetic predisposition to Parkinson’s disease have no more iron in their diets than people without the predisposition.
Many of the vegetables regularly consumed by vegetarians who do not contract Parkinson’s disease are as rich in iron as meat and seafood.
Children and adolescents require a much larger amount of iron in their diets than do mature adults.
The iron in some foods is much less easily absorbed by the body than the iron contained in other foods.
The amounts of iron-rich foods consumed by people starts to decline beginning at age 50.