Cookie Cutter Review
NA - premise-conclusion bridge


Cookie Cutter Review
(E) conflation of distinct ideas. Understanding that a phenomenon has property X doesn't mean that we should use reasoning with property X to understand that phenomenon.

Supplementary explanation
This is a very silly argument that reads like it's actually reasonable.

We're presented with a thing called nature. We're told that nature has certain properties, XYZ. Therefore, we're told, that the thinking used to understand nature should also have those properties, XYZ.

This argument is insane. It escapes our insanity detector only because the LSAT writers are clever and picked out the "XYZ" so as not to raise alarm. They wrote "organic, holistic, etc", which to us are familiar properties of thinking/reasoning.

But by that logic, I can say, "Hey look at that stupid bear over there, scratching his ass on that tree cause his stupid paws can't reach. The best way to understand the bear is as a hairy beast. Therefore, use we should use our hairy beastly thinking when trying to study and analyze the bear."

Can we all say in unison: "No, dumbass. Use Biology."

See how that didn't escape our insanity detector? That's because "hairy beastly thinking" is obviously not a thing whereas "organic holistic thinking" is.

(E) calls the argument out on its absurdity. Properties of the object to be studied shouldn't be projected onto the reasoning used to study that object.

(B) is having his own conversation over in the corner of the room by himself. It's saying that the structure of nature isn't identical to the structure of how people reason about nature. Okay, sure. Let's not even argue what the overall "structure" of nature is and just concede that it's "organic". So (B) is saying that that's not always identical to the structure of how people reason about nature. In other words, people don't always reason organically about it. Again, okay sure. So what? Is that a bad thing? Should people reason organically about it?

The argument isn't terrible because sometimes the structure of a phenomenon is not identical with the structure of reasoning people use to understand that phenomenon.


Cookie Cutter Review
SA - formulaic


Cookie Cutter Review
MSS question that uses a single line of text to support (B). Ignores most of the stimulus.


Cookie Cutter Review
(B) conditional negation, just like question 10 from this section. Also uses abstract and referential phrasing typically found in flaw questions.


Cookie Cutter Review
NA - (E) shielding


Ilana: Carver’s stories are somber and pessimistic, which is a sure sign of inferior writing. I have never read a single story of his that ends happily.

Gustav: Carver was one of the finest writers of the past 30 years. Granted, his stories are characterized by somberness and pessimism, but they are also wryly humorous, compassionate, and beautifully structured.

Speaker 1 Summary
Carver’s stories are inferiorly written. Why? Because his stories are somber and pessimistic.

Speaker 2 Summary
Carver was one of the best writers of the past 30 years. Why? Because despite the somberness and pessimism, his stories are humorous, compassionate, and beautifully structured.

We need a statement that Ilana and Gustav disagree on. They disagree that a well-written story can be somber and pessimistic. Ilana thinks that these characteristics are indicative of inferior writing. Gustav thinks that despite these characteristics, Carver was a great writer.

Carver’s stories are truly compassionate
Ilana does not express an opinion on this statement. We only know that Ilana thinks Carver’s stories are somber and pessimistic.
Carver’s stories are pessimistic in their vision
Both speakers agree on this statement. Ilana thinks that Carver’s stories are somber and pessimistic. Gustav concedes that Carver’s stories have these characteristics.
stories that are characterized by somberness and pessimism can appropriately be called humorous
Ilana does not express an opinion on this statement. We only know that Ilana thinks Carver’s stories are somber and pessimistic.
stories that are well written can be somber and pessimistic
Ilana and Gustav disagree on this statement. Ilana disagrees because she thinks Carver’s stories are written poorly due to the fact that the stories are somber and pessimistic. Gustav agrees because he thinks despite these characteristics, Carver is a great writer.
there are some characteristics of a story that are decisive in determining its aesthetic value
Neither speaker expresses an opinion on this statement. We don’t know whether Ilana or Gustav think that Carver’s stories have aesthetic value.



Statistical studies show that last year there was the greatest drop in the violent crime rate over the course of a year since such statistics were first gathered. But they also reveal that at the same time public anxiety about violent crime substantially increased.

"Surprising" Phenomenon
Why did public anxiety about violent crime greatly increase over the course of the last year when during the same time there was the greatest drop in violent crime over the course of a year since such statistics were first gathered?

The right answer will be a hypothesis that explains a disconnect between the amount of violent crime that was committed last year and peoples’ knowledge or perceptions of violent crime over the course of last year.

Longer prison sentences were the primary cause of the decrease in the violent crime rate over the course of last year.
We aren’t worried about why violent crime dropped last year. We want to know why people became more anxious about violent crime last year while violent crime was dropping.
As in the past, last year’s increase in public anxiety about violent crime has been consistently underreported in the news media.
The amount that the media has reported anxiety about violent crime is irrelevant. (B) doesn’t help explain why people became increasingly anxious about violent crime over the course of last year.
Most people can realistically assess the likelihood that they will become victims of violent crime.
Knowing that people can accurately assess their likelihood of being a victim of violent crime does nothing to explain why the public’s anxiety about violent crime increased last year while violent crime was dropping.
People who feel the most anxiety about violent crime usually live in areas with relatively high violent crime rates.
It doesn’t matter which people tend to be the most anxious about violent crime. We want to know why people, in the aggregate, were becoming increasingly anxious about violent crime last year while the violent crime rate was dropping.
The proportion of violent crimes covered in the news media nearly doubled over the course of last year.
This gives a possible explanation for people becoming more anxious about violent crime last year while violent crime was dropping. The increased coverage of violent crimes may have increased the public’s anxiety about violent crime even though violent crime was decreasing.


Cookie Cutter Review
(C) is an example of the general statements above.

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Cookie Cutter Review
(A) related effect
(C) control group
(D) consistent data
(E) related cause

Child psychologist: Some studies in which children have been observed before and after playing video games with violent content have shown that young children tend to behave more aggressively immediately after playing the games. This suggests that the violence in such video games leads young children to believe that aggressive behavior is acceptable.

Summarize Argument: Phenomenon-Hypothesis
The psychologist hypothesizes that violent video games lead kids to think aggressive behavior is okay. This is demonstrated by the phenomenon that, immediately after playing violent video games, kids show more aggressive behavior than they did before playing the game.

Notable Assumptions
The psychologist assumes that it is the violence in the games that leads children to act aggressively, as opposed to some other factor in the video games (e.g., maybe video games in general lead to increased aggression). Additionally, the author assumes that because children behave aggressively after playing the games, they believe such behavior is acceptable.

Young children tend to be more accepting of aggressive behavior in others immediately after playing video games with violent content.
This strengthens the argument. Children being more accepting of other people’s aggression after playing violent video games strengthens the conclusion that violent video games lead children to believe violent behavior is acceptable.
Many young children who have never played video games with violent content believe that aggressive behavior is acceptable.
This does not affect the argument. The psychologist does not argue that violent video games are the only thing that makes kids believe aggressive behavior is okay—it could be one of many factors.
Other studies have shown no increase in aggressive behavior in young children who have just played nonviolent video games.
This strengthens the argument by supporting the assumption that it is violent video games—as opposed to video games in general—which cause aggressive behavior.
Older children are less likely before playing video games with violent content than they are afterwards to believe that aggressive behavior is acceptable.
This strengthens the argument by suggesting that the psychologist’s conclusion applies to older children as well as young children—the phenomenon described by the psychologist is seen elsewhere as well.
Young children tend to behave more aggressively immediately after being told that aggressive behavior is acceptable than they did beforehand.
This strengthens the argument by reinforcing the psychologist’s assumption that violent video games teach children that aggressive behavior is acceptable.