News and tips about the LSAT and law school admissions

Posts in the Admissions Category

If you’re like many law school applicants, thinking about your GPA might cause you some stress. You can go fully monastic studying for the LSAT, refine countless drafts of your […]

Subscribe to the podcast:Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Audible To take or not to take? That is the question! It’s the eve of the LSAT and you’re starting to get cold feet – […]

With Memorial Day in the past and with the conclusion of their children’s academic year hurtling towards them at light speed, law school admissions officers find themselves straddling the line […]

Subscribe to the podcast:Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Audible It’s a great time of year to start your personal statement … but how do you get rolling? Jonathan Gharraie, 7Sage writing consultant extraordinaire, joins […]

As May continues forward with all of its typical pomp and pollen, law school admissions officers are caught between the rush of the spring and the doldrums of the upcoming […]

Subscribe to the podcast:Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Audible Dr. Felicia Caponigri joins us for a wide ranging discussion of fashion law, cultural heritage, and intellectual property law. We then walk through the […]