News and tips about the LSAT and law school admissions

Posts in the Admissions Category

With the calendars turning to April, law school admissions officers are in their final sprint of hosting admitted students and reviewing files (STILL!) before deposit deadlines hit. With these deposit […]

With Easter/Passover upon us, law school admissions officers find themselves facing an additional hurdle in their day-to-day operations—their local schools’ spring break. When law school applicants hear this, their first […]

“Late March” doesn’t exist for college admissions officers at any level—law, graduate, or undergrad. They’ve surely heard myths and legends of this time period. Perhaps a passing reference—a text message […]

As some tulips and daffodils begin to appear in everyone’s gardens, law school admissions officers continue to sprint through their busiest and most crucial time of year. Since this is […]

Dear AO, How should an applicant like me, who has multiple “non-traditional” aspects to my story—lower GPA, gap in education, significant work experience—best explain these aspects without overloading my application […]