PT8.S4.Q17 - Exclusivity

BroccoliBroccoli Core Member


I didn't understand how A is worded.. can somebody translate this French into English. Thank u.

"This strategy lacks a counterproductive feature of the rejected alternative"


  • thisisspartathisissparta Alum Member
    edited January 2018 1363 karma

    Hey there!

    Okay, so some rather complex verbiage that's been used in that question. But, once dissected, it's actually quite straightforward.

    So, let's split the sentence, and keep referring back to the stimulus.

    "This strategy lacks a counterproductive feature of the rejected alternative"

    1) This strategy = the strategy which is recommended by the author. What is that? Well, to always set the price high. That's the safest error the seller can make for items with exclusivity.

    2) rejected alternative = the strategy which was rejected. Now, what strategy/alternative was rejected in the stimulus? The one which would set the price too low.

    3) counterproductive feature (of the rejected alternative): well, what's the counterproductive feature of the above alternative??? Ah yes, it's that people will question it's exclusivity if the price is set too low. People gon' be like "Yo this price is low af fam. Is this REALLY exclusive??????" That's counterproductive, sellers. DON'T DO THAT.

    Alright so let's slap each component together.

    This strategy LACKS the counterproductive feature of the rejected alternative (that is, unlike having a scenario where the price is set real low; people will NOT question it's exclusivity if the price is set too high).

    Hope that qualified as English!

  • BroccoliBroccoli Core Member
    352 karma

    @thisissparta Thank you!

  • thisisspartathisissparta Alum Member
    1363 karma

    @Broccoli180 said:
    @thisissparta Thank you!

    Happy to have helped!

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