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7Sage is representing! I am thrilled to be among such great company!
We have enough people to start our own 7Sage Harvard study group. Supreme Court (majority) here we come!
This community has been so wonderful! I would especially like to thank @twssmith @dml277 @JustDoIt @TheMikey @"Cant Get Right" @Sami @akistotle @"Accounts Playable" @BinghamtonDave @teamteamvicster @DumbHollywoodActor @AllezAllez21 @LSATcantwin @"nessa.k13.0" @sweetsecret @Mellow_Z @"nicole.hopkins" @danielznelson @jknauf
There are so many other people I would like to thank (I just can't remember your usernames, sorry!). Thank you all so much!
I am happy to provide any advice to pay it forward! Message me if you have questions about admissions, the LSAT, or video game recommendations. No matter what, keep working towards your goals! You got this!
7Sage HLS '21 squad:
@"Accounts Playable" @AllezAllez21 @"Paul Caint" @JustDoIt @"Daniel.Sieradzki"
This is amazing. CONGRATULATIONS to 7Sage HLS'21 squad!!!
HOLY COW!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Ayyyyyeeee glad to see you can post on 7Sage but can't text me group is off to a great start
@JustDoIt lol, you texted me right in the middle of a game. I am on a strict schedule. There are at least a dozen games I need to beat before law school starts.
Our study group can only go up from here!
Congrats that's awesome!!!
Congrats to all of you guys!!!
Goals! Congrats.
Amazing! Congrats on such an awesome outcome!! 7Sage owns Harvard!
Congrats @"Daniel.Sieradzki" !!! That is so awesome!!!
So well-deserved
another 7sager. so happy for each of you! go out and celebrate!
Ahhh this is bananas! I’m so excited for all of you in the HLS ‘21 crew! Yessssss!!! Congratulations!!!
You've earned this! I am so freaking proud of you. Not only are you absolutely brilliant, but you are kind and have a heart of gold. I'm glad a person like you is in the legal world. Harvard is lucky to have you! Now go play allllll the games that aren't LG but of the video variety, get your damn keychain and drink alcohol out of a coconut (or whatever you do in Hawaii).
Awww!!!! This is amazing! Congrats!!!
congrats! I want to see a group picture of all the 7sagers together in Cambridge! It will be the motivation many need to get through those tough prep days!
YAYYYYYYYYY I'm so happy for you Dan

OMG Congratulations Daniel!!!
Great work!
Thank you all so much!!!
@BinghamtonDave Yes, we are planning to meet up during orientation and grab lunch. So excited!
@teamteamvicster That is so sweet! Yeah, LG can't compete with Ocarina of Time. I will raise a coconut in your honor. You are going to be joining us, this year or next!
I think I might have heard your life story from the AMA you did with JY after your stellar score—which I didn’t realize I was going to get picked to ask a direct question so I was already two glasses deep in whiskey when you guys put me on spotlight lol—and it’s really inspiring to see how everything turned out so well for you! Congratulations on every bit of the success you truly deserve!
Also - Have you played Darkest Dungeon? Might be one of my all time favorite games....plan on using it to get me through next cycle lol
Congratulations Daniel! 7SAGE is taking over Harvard one acceptance at a time!
Awesome! Also, thank you for the work you do here to help other students. We appreciate it.
@BrianSeo Thank you for attending the AMA! Haha, sorry about that. You sounded great on the call so no worries there!
@LSATcantwin You mean the Law School Admissions Simulator game? It is great! I love getting hit with status effects while managing my stress level. I certainly reached 100 at some point and was afflicted with "horror." I have played it a number of times. I plan to get the DLC and run through that before law school starts. What other games do you recommend? I am planning to pick up Dark Souls Remastered. I know they did not change much, but I am excited that there will be more people playing online. Also, I am still rooting for you for this cycle. You have to get off of one of those waitlists! Let me know if I can do anything to help. I cannot think of anyone more deserving.
@"Daniel.Sieradzki" Right now I'm in the middle of way to many games. They came flooding back after the Dec LSAT and all the chaos with admissions.
Far Cry 5 was "okay"
Darkest Dungeon is amazing (Switch)
I'm replaying Pokemon Omega Ruby right now (3DS)
I've modded Skyrim to hell and am in the process of playing that again. (PC)
I'm also addicted to Rocket League so I play at least 3-4 matches a day.
I'm also in the middle of reading the Kingslayer series by Patrick Rothfuss. To call me a nerd would be a huge understatement lol
And thanks! I'm still lingering on all the waitlists but I'm not going to get my hopes to high. Luckily I have a pretty solid job that can hold me over if I have to wait another year. I'm just jelly I can't hangout with all the cool Sagers at Harvard!! lol
Go celebrate!
@"Daniel.Sieradzki" is exceptional, and is the one to beat at HLS.
I predict Daniel will graduate at the top of his class.
Mau hoohiwahiwa Daniel! continue to make us proud.
Your Kaua'i Ohana~
@"Victoria.Bordignon" Thank you!!! I just saw your message today (I am running a little behind). I will call you soon!
WOWW Congratulations!!!
Congratulations, Daniel!!!!!!!
I completely agree with what Victoria said above. You have a heart of gold and the legal community is lucky to have you on board!!!!
@LSATcantwin @"Daniel.Sieradzki" came here to say rocket league is da bes
Taking a break to the beach and will call you later!
Yep, I’m pretty bad. I only play unranked 3’s for the most part. It’s a huge addiction though I love playing.
Yay @Daniel.Sieradzki ! The best tutor !
I had a lot of fun during your RC sessions last year! Hope you continue to stay active here and update us on your 1L journey!
Congrats everyone! Too cool!
Congratulations Daniel!!! I'm glad everything worked out and wish you much success at Harvard Law next year!!
@LSATcantwin platinum in 3s and gold in 2s
You're amazing, man! Congrats again!!!
So happy for you Daniel, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now, go change the world!
Huge congrats!