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1 last pt

gititenenbaumgititenenbaum Alum Member
in General 48 karma

Anyone have suggestions I want to take 1 last pt before the real thing. I did all of them from my course which is u to pt 58.
Is there a big difference between the ones I did and the newer ones?
Do all the RC nowadays have the AB style paragraph?


  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    1804 karma

    Take the latest one you can get your hands on.

    Is there a big difference between the ones I did and the newer ones?

    RC became more challenging, AR includes more unusual games (i.e. anything not sequencing and grouping), and IMO LR became trickier.

    Do all the RC nowadays have the AB style paragraph?


  • gititenenbaumgititenenbaum Alum Member
    48 karma

    do you know what the latest one that can be purchased is? and where can I get it?

  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    788 karma

    You can purchase #83 from 7sage

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    1804 karma

    ...or Amazon or your local bookstore.

  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma

    Difficulty is subjective. If hundreds people tell you you are a chicken you may start believing it more and more every day. LSAT is not getting more difficult, the questions you encounter may expose more weaknesses of yours. But it may also be that you are actually better at the questions modern lsat throws at you. Do not let others to get in your brain and affect how you perceive the test to begin with. Get newer LSAT for sake of at keast exposing yourself to comparative RC passage. Do not go in taking it with the mindset that its more difficult that what you have taken before.

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