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Lawgic Tanslation to English

shegotitshegotit Member

I have a few questions when it comes to logical reasoning so please bare with me. So I know how to pick the correct conclusion and premise and I can do the lawgic translation but I am having a problem translating the lawgic back into English and yes I have reviewed the lessons. Its like when I translate the lawgic back to English what I think the translation is saying is not what the answer choices are saying which then throws me off when its comes to picking the correct answer.So since I was having a problem with this I would paraphrase the conclusion and premise and try to piece together the answer which works for some questions but its not effective in mastering every question as opposed to the lawgic translations. I also get confused when it comes to the group 4 translations so I will add a link in for a question where you can see my thought process.

  1. When should you be doing lawgic translations for logical reasoning questions? When do you know if conditional logic is being used in the stimulus? Is lawgic and logic the same thing?

  2. Are there any tips when it comes to paraphrasing the stem for the lawgic translation? Sometimes I have a little trouble trying to figure out exactly what letters that I should use that will grasp the whole concept of the premises and conclusion. For example, I know that my paraphrase with letters will not be the exact same as JY's but I must admit that his paraphrase captures the whole concept and mine seems overly complicated which then throws me off because I be having the correct premise and conclusion,. What can I do that will help me with the paraphrasing and confusion from the lawgic translation to the English Translation?

Premise: What they seems to ignore is that, trivially anything we do is self expressive and also their claim isn't interesting
Conclusion: We are not obliged to take their claim seriously.

Translation: /I and T

Answer is /I...S or /T...S

So the correct answer was C but was confused because I thought that when it came to group four terms you have to do the contrapositive after the negation and Jy didnt. So I thought the final answer would have been s...t or /s.../t but it was t.../s

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