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Study Advice (sob story)

Sue Doe NimbSue Doe Nimb Alum Member
edited September 2018 in General 183 karma

Hey everyone. So, I was pumped going into test day today, and was happy with how I was doing...until I realized that I had a bubbling error that messed up my whole section. That being said, I will unfortunately be sitting for the November exam. However, I have a bit of a dilemma, given that I have approximately 7 tests beyond PT 35 at my disposal that I have yet to do. I think that I have solid mastery of the content, as I've been scoring generally in high 160s, low 170s. Nonetheless, without enough practice tests, I think my skills will atrophy. Any advice as to what I should do to prepare for my next LSAT? Are there any good practice tests not produced by LSAC?


  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    First of all, I'm really to sorry to hear about that test experience.

    As for november, you can space out those 7 PTs for sure. Make sure to supplement with drills. There's also webinars, AMAs, and posts on the forum that discuss the benefits of retaking PTs. I think on his AMA, Accounts Playable discusses it in depth around the 15 minute mark.

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    Just do those 7 tests between now and November. Maybe do a retake or two as well.

  • Sue Doe NimbSue Doe Nimb Alum Member
    183 karma

    @keets993 Thanks for the video! Need to take a bit of a break from the LSAT, but will take a look when I come back. As for now, time to practice bubbling :-/

  • LivingThatLSATdreamLivingThatLSATdream Alum Member
    edited September 2018 500 karma

    @"Sue Doe Nimb" have some people already taken the sept test? I just had a mini panic and had to double check the date.

  • Adam HawksAdam Hawks Alum Member
    990 karma

    One section a day with review. A full PT on the weekend with a review. IT IS OK TO RE-DO OLD PRACTICE TESTS! Unless you're getting a 180, you still have things to learn.

    And yeah, like...drugs are bad...mmmmkay.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    @LivingThatLSATdream I believe some accommodated test takers had it today.

  • LivingThatLSATdreamLivingThatLSATdream Alum Member
    500 karma

    @keets993 thanks for clarifying!

  • PhDtoLaWPhDtoLaW Alum Member
    59 karma

    You can definitely reuse old material. The only problem is that your scores will be slightly inflated, but that's not a problem if you're just trying to keep up to speed on the material.

    For LG specifically, I've found that my scores aren't even appreciably inflated if I haven't seen the material for 3+ months.

    I would spread the fresh tests out evenly between now and test day so that you can track your improvement, and then fill the gaps with used practice sections.

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