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'Mastering' Games in a month?

bendrummond33bendrummond33 Alum Member
edited October 2018 in November 2018 LSAT 96 karma

Hi guys, so I'm writing the November Lsat and am just trying to really improve on my games by then. My average score over the last month is about 156, and I'd like to score anywhere from 158-161 (I've scored in this range on occurrence twice so it is not out of the realm of possibility). Good thing is i know my weak spots and how to get to there and its games, of course. On average i miss about 8 questions per section, getting as many as 12-13 wrong. Most Practice Tests i don't make it to the last game just because of time.

Any tips on how to get consistently to -3 or -4 by November? If i could get into this range, heck even 5 wrong I have no doubt i'll get my desired score. I'd like to start Fool Proofing but i really don't have time to do PT 1-35 as others have suggested. I'm in school full time at the moment and work part-time on the side. Are there maybe 10-12 sections you guys personally think i ought to master that will help me with my goal? Also, should i hold off on doing more practice tests until i get Games down? Any other advice would be appreciated too. Thanks in advance!


  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    There are no specific sections I'd recommend and I've done 1-35 about ten times. Foolproofing works because you eventually see how the games are all the same and new games no longer seem new... "oh this is a double layer sequencing game with in/out elements. I know how to set the gameboard up..."

    I'd suggest you just start foolproofing and see where you land closer to test day.

  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    edited October 2018 737 karma

    I've seen people say that the games in between PT 29-38 are really good games to foolproof. Supposedly they're more representative of the modern LG sections. I wouldn't recommend that you hold off entirely on doing tests; make sure you're at least doing sections of RC and LR regularly, so that you don't get stronger in one section only to lose points in another, and you might want to do a preptest per week. Keep working on doing timed sections during the week alongside your foolproofing.

    Another option that you could look at, is doing games by type, or foolproofing games by type. You maybe wouldn't do as many games with this method, but let's say you were to take 8-10 games of each type and just foolproof them. That would probably help you get used to each type of game pretty well.

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    Foolproofing 50-70 helped me

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