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Opportunities to work abroad?

Jahn.SnowJahn.Snow Member
in Off-topic 316 karma

Hi everyone!

I've recently decided to take one more year off before I start law school so I have adequate time to prepare for the LSAT. I'm currently in Colombia working with a grant and I absolutely love being here. For my second gap year, I would love to be abroad somewhere else for about 6 months at least before I start law school, and I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to begin looking for opportunities. I'm here with a grant that took a year to apply to and I don't really have the time to do that all over again, but I'm learning that it's not as difficult as I once thought to just go and work in another place.

Any advice you guys have on programs or how to look for jobs in a new country (digital or in person) or anything at all would be so appreciated.

Hope you are all having great days :)

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