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Beginner Study Group

marisabrkovichmarisabrkovich Core Member

So I just received my university diploma in the mail and now that we are in lockdown again I have decided to start studying for the LSAT. I have never been set on law school but it has always been an idea I've toyed with. I feel like right now it is especially hard to make any long term decisions but I want to be working towards something.
Anyways, I have started the 7 Sage program, have never done a practice LSAT and am completely new to all of this. I really want to write the LSAT sometime next year I am just finding this all a little overwhelming. I am seeing a lot of people start study groups online here but are all way more advanced than me!
If anyone is in the same boat or is sharing similar sentiments and wants to encourage each other! Let me know!


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