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Template for Study-Group Posts

bailey.luberbailey.luber Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
in Study Groups 351 karma

Alright, alright, we hear you! You’re looking for study groups! In order to make this process more efficient, we humbly submit a simple template you can use when you’re creating a new study group or looking for a study partner.

Discussion Title: [Focus] Study Group for the [Month] LSAT with [Range] scorers

👥 Study Group Name: [optional]

🔢 I'm currently scoring:

📆 My planned test date:

📈 To study, I have been: [finishing the CC, taking a PT twice a week, drilling, etc]

🔑 My goals for this group are: [to hold each other accountable, to hear other perspectives, etc]

🔍 We'll focus on: [Reading Comprehension, Logic Games, Logical Reasoning, etc]

📚 When we'll meet and what we'll do:

✅ How to join:

Paste this template into your forum post when seeking a study group or creating a new one. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback below!


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