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In person test?

Has any one taken the LSAT in person? I hate doing it online with a passion it takes about an hour to just get the test which makes my anxiety worse. I wanted to see if it worth taking in person is it old school like with pen and pencil or do you have to take it with a computer as well?


  • meredith_dmeredith_d Member
    3 karma

    I really enjoyed my in-person LSAT experience. It was at a testing center on one of their computers, so still an online format, but you don't have to go through the online proctoring thing. My testing center had little cubicles and noise cancelling headphones, so it wasn't disruptive or distracting at all. There are definitely strict procedures involved in checking-in the testing room and then checking out for breaks, which is something I didn't expect when I went in the first time. This can definitely produce anxiety if that's something you're worried about, but it takes significantly less time than the online proctor seems to and at least you have someone in-person to ask questions, etc. I would recommend.

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