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Hey February 2018 LSAT takers,
Waiting for Grey Day like this?
Let's all discuss it here!
*Please keep all the Grey Day related discussions to this thread!
Ready to get it over with already!
I felt like it was easier than many of the practice tests I did and that I should score my average or higher... So if I score lower it will be crushing
Does it become grey at any time of the day, or if we are not-grey in the morning then it won't be grey later?
Icons turn grey randomly. But it typically happens in the afternoon (around 1-2pm EST).
Do you think it's going to take 3 full weeks?
the third week will end this Saturday, I just want this waiting mood to end!
That’s exactly how I feel about it so if my score is low...haaa R.I.P. to my hopes and dreams. Also the mystery of my failure will forever haunt me.
Im nervous because of how embarrassing this could be if I score low/near my older tests. I told school to wait for this score!
Schools* sorry typing via phone here
Same here, worried as well. Hopefully we are graced with a good score God's will.
Thanks! Sending good vibes for you and everyone else in our boat!!
Does the score post on our LSAC account sooner than it gets emailed to us? Or does it happen about the same time?
Sitting at a bar in Grapevine Texas refreshing the page over and over and over.
I'd love to be in a bar. Haha. At home with my 3 boys. 2 of whom are getting over influenza. Time is dragging.
Glad I’m not the only one that feels like the test was stupid easy but still feels like they bombed it!
I definitely didn't feel like it was stupid easy lol. I can only hope I did better than I feel like I did. I'd love to have done as good as my prior 5 PTs.
"Stupid easy" wow wish I was this confident...
Def didn't think it was stupid easy, for me LR was harder than normal, LG was normal even though I made 2 stupid rookie mistakes on 2 of the games, RC was normal. I still feel like I bombed it though. Ive read JY's "I think I f^#%ed up and want to cancel" thread at least 20 times since the 10th.
Exactly same feelings here...
I don't think it will happen until at least the 3rd though right? Because of the cancel date
Same!!! Same, same, same all the way.
I thought the LG section was pretty tough. Granted I hadn't slept much and probably had some test day jitters affecting me, but I think at least two of the games were hard. It seemed like every game had some sort of twist to it, even if only a minor one. And RC and LR seemed pretty standard in terms of difficulty. I would think the curve would be no less than -11 for a 170.
I didn't cancel purely because I would feel like I wasted the money and effort. You might as well see what you got, in my opinion, unless it just clearly went horribly.
I’ve been freaking out since I went blog trolling and powerscore predicted scores would come out on the 2nd, 20 days after the test like the December test.
Confident? Nah, read my post again. It felt really easy to me thus the reason I believe I bombed. LG and RC seemed normal for me. The 2nd game with the unknown man and woman tripped me up and can see how the last game could’ve thrown some for a loop with the prerequisites. I think I was all over the place with LR and started panicking and doubting myself because things seemed to be going too smoothly. One section I had to guess on two or three. Don’t remember which one. Def not confident. At all. In fact, I honestly believe I scored lower than December.
Goodluck to all of us
My icons changed, they were plain but now green with a curvy arrow. Before that they were like white with an O with a line through it. Anyone else? I'd prefer they be grey but hey green is a change.. I figured the crossed out O was indicative of all of those items not going to be there due to the nondisclosure.
Mine has been like that for awhile now? did you take the test this past Saturday?
No. Maybe I am losing my mind. I took it 2/10. I have been checking it like crazy. And I opened it and it looked different... have they been like that??
You know what. I did an update on my phone. Maybe icons on many sites or pages are going to look slightly different. My God I'm losing my mind.
I'm still in the green, took the exam on the correct date 2/10
You and I both. I've been checking all day.. It was so hard to focus at work? and sleeping is another story. I wish they'd release it already
make sure you use a different name on tab
Maybe going to an animal shelter and having a visit with the animals could have calming effects.
It's March 1 already here, hope they release it already
@lsatplaylist I riffed off your idea and laced a blanket with catnip...kitty hasn't left my lap
My 7 pound little puppy Autumn has been doing her best. She's an old bear, had her since Nov 2004, today she has done nothing but give kisses. She knows. She's my bear, she's my buddy. I got her for my wife when we got married and she turned out to be my best friend
Another day in waiting...
With ya
-virtual hugs-
All of my apps are sent. What if I just deleted the email with my score... never checked it. Just waited on decisions. Hmmmm
Hahahahaha that's the best idea EVER!!!! Already sent my apps as well and don't know if I can even look at the scores when they come out.
You received your score? I have one more application to send and it's my number 1...
Oh what if lol I'm so anxious for score release
Just got an email from LSAC as a reminder to complete the survey that I already did. My hopes got so high when I saw LSAC emailing me!!
Lol I just got the same email too and rushed here to respond. I'm assuming that means they're very close to releasing scores. I say tomorrow so everyone can either celebrate a good score over the weekend or drink their sorrows away.
Checking LSAC like no tomorrow; pure torture
Well I give up, I just hung up with LSAC and I don't think they're releasing our scores tomorrow because of the recent test