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I created this thread so that those taking the test in Asia, Australia and New Zealand can discuss the test! (Sorry, I should have made this before the test in Europe, Middle East, and Africa )
Test Dates:
Score Release: Wednesday, October 31, 2018
✅ Asking questions like “Was the LG with "flowers" experimental?” is okay.
❌ Don't mention specifics like "the 3rd LG was sequencing."
Please mention the region you took the test in (“I took it in Asia”).
Good luck tomorrow!!!!
Good luck y'all!
Good luck everyone!
I wrote the exam in South Korea. I had LR(25) RC LR(26) LR(25) LG. I don't know which LR was an experimental section. I am guessing today's exam was a reuse but have no idea which previous LSAT was reused. Below are what appeared in my exam:
Value theory (A. Locke's theory)
Columbia's silk production
Declaration of Rights/Declaration of Independence (comparative)
1) Choosing 5 Witnesses out of 7
2) I know what type it is but don't remember the details.. maybe it was something about hanging paintings, quiltings, sculptures, etc.
4) Reports in 3 sections (Living, M,N)
LR: I only remember some materials from the third one:
- geese's V-formation
- Squirrels and rattlesnake's scent
- A thesis about Aristotle's work? Every X about Aristotle is false
If anyone had only 2 LRs, please help me figure out what my exp LR was....!!!
Had the same sections as yours. What do you think about the LG?
Seems pretty standard but difficult qs at the same time.
@KevinA14 Yeah LG was pretty standard. I was glad not to see some games like the infamous virus game haha
What do you think about the LRs? I think the 3rd one was easier than the other two and hope that was one of the real ones lol
Isn't the very first LR a dummy? I felt it was a bit more difficult and kinda atypical. Also heard others in the bathroom saying that they agreed the first one was a dummy haha
I did some Googling and it looks like this test was the same as the international LSAT on December 3rd, 2016 ( What do you all think?
@promotionlee93 I thought the1st LR was harder than the others too. I really hope that one was a dummy... Thank you for sharing the info!(:
@akistotle oh yeah it is the same exam! Thank you for looking it up!!
I think all the LRs was quite easy. The LG tripped me up a little. Probably missed a question or 2 on LG
@Cifuentes0410 do you think it the first LR that was dummy? I can't quite recall whether those in the links are from the first or the second one.
@promotionlee93 unfortunately me neither
but once we figure out how many Qs were in total, we will know...! I'd wait for more ppl to join our discussion lol
I had three LR (26-26-25)
the first was so hard for me; hopefully it will be the experimental
Hi! I wrote the test in Tokyo. I had 2 RC sections, and thankful that the one I felt really good about looks like it was the real one! I got tripped up on some of the LG, though they weren’t totally difficult. So curious to get scores, but I will try to put it out of my mind for a couple of weeks. Hope you all had good testing experiences!
anyone had 2 LG?
I took it in China.
Mine was LR(26) RC LR(26) LR(25) LG
Value theory
LR 4th
interest rate and economy
Vote for candidateFYJ
Took it in Korea.
Turns out I got an experimental RC, which I really hoped to be the real thing because I found it a lot easier than the first one. The first LR (the one with chimps learning to trade) was challenging, while the second (the one with jurors using cell phones in the court room) was a breeze.
Not so sure about LG... got stuck with a game pretty bad and had to guess 2-3 questions.
do you know which LR is experimental?
I believe the experimental section for LR is the third section since I remembered for last question there was a choice (C) where it mentioned Dr Tran etc.....
Any one could help me identify which one is experimental? Appreciated!
Coming back and noticing this discussion thinking I should cancel because I totally choked on the first LR. LG was typical and RC also felt fairly standard. Damn! that first LR though. I thought one of the first two was experimental because the 3rd one was 25 questions. Is that a reasonable indicator?
I took it in HK.
I got LR(26) RC LR(26) LR(25) LG
I remember two questions from the second 26 Qs LR: #18 is buying frozen/fresh vegetables #22 is something like primates in an experiment with overcrowding condition are not aggressive because they engage in appeasement...
I thought this LR is really difficult, and might be experimental? Can anyone who got two RCs identify if you have done aforementioned questions ? THANKS!
maybe the 2nd ir is experimental because i kind of remember chimps learn trade compared to human (Sth like small or large trade gain) is the 1st lr
I also remember the 1st lr has a question regarding fine thread and 90% cotton. Not sure if this section is the real one.
For the 2nd and 3rd, maybe a question about artificial sweetener?, tough negotiators?
Any one who have two RCs could reveal more info about their first lr will be really helpful
Do you remember having question in your first lr about fine thread and 60/90% cotton?
Yes, I had the 60/90% cotton thingy too! Still trying to figure out if it was in the real thing or not.
Hi everyone,
I took the Korean exam, had three LR sections: LR (26) RC LR (26) LR(25) LG
I found the first LR the most challenging, hoping for it to be the experimental one. That section had the 60/90 cotton fine thread question.
Was this present in the LR sections for those of you who got an experimental RC?
did you have a question about frozen&fresh vegetables and a question about overcrowding experiment and primates in your second LR?
I am pretty sure the frozen veggie LR is experimental, since I took it in Australia and had 2 RCs and did not see those questions in my LRs.
Took the exam in Beijing.
I remember from first LR, a question about a tooth paste company withholding potential product defects from consumers. I find this one section tougher than the other two and the questions are kind of odd... It may be an experiment but it can also be that I was most nervous during the first section.
2nd LR, I remember chimpazees trade in goods and small gains
3rd LR, I remember aloe vera, graduate student thesis on Aristotle
Can anyone with experiment LG/RC confirm if you remember the tooth paste company question?
Thank you!!
Do you remember the numbers of question in each LR section?
I think we had the same exam. I remember this cotton fine thread question and a tooth paste company question from my first LR, which I also find the most challenging.
I'm just wondering if you saw some questions from this link when you was solving the third one of LR sections. December 3rd, 2016 (
I think 26, 26, 25. Not absolutely certain about this... I find the last LR the easiest
I agree. It is possible that the third section LR is the experimental section; I cannot remember on top of my head what PT number that was, but I did encounter the question on Neanderthals and also one question where it asks you to match parallel flaw last question and where option C has a person name Dr Tran which I think I have encountered couple of days before Sunday test, but still looking for PT # to make sure. LR(25), RC(27), LR(26), LR(25) and LG (23). I guess the first LR and third LR are the ones that count on LSAT.
Squirrels covering their bodies with rattlesnake venom,2 people disagreeing about a science fiction novel, Aloe vera, Geese migrating in V-formation, Grad student thesis on Kant(Aristotle I think) -- These all look like coming from the last LR I had.
The rest of the them I'm not so sure...But I feel that I saw them in either the second or the third LR I had. As to the first LR, besides the tooth paste question, I also remember one of the last few questions in this section was a very wordy-weirdo analogy between the dangers of nuclear power incident and bicycle/car accidents something like that.
Hope this helps
so you think the first section is experimental??
I feel this way but I may be wrong. @hl_alarak had experimental RC and had chimpanzee trade in the first LR and jurors using cell phones in courtroom in the second LR. I feel I didn't see chimpanzee or jurors in my 1st LR.
Also, is it possible that there are two different patterns of sequence for people who had experimental LR?
possibly chimpanzee was in 2nd section, too many questions I could not focus. the first section I did not manage to finish it, perhaps the 3rd section LR we were able to speed up faster and get as many questions knocked down
@bookieciao Yes in the second LR section I remember a strengthen question about frozen / fresh vegetables and another question about primates and overcrowding. I think everyone who had LR as an experimental got the same questions.
@universegreene ohhhh yeah. Those are exactly the questions I got.
Squirrels covering their bodies with rattlesnake venom
2 people disagreeing about a science fiction novel
Marine wildlife pollution
Lakes/rivers on Mars
Aloe vera
Geese migrating in V-formation
T-rex fossils & turbinates in sinuses
Grad student thesis on Kant
Jurors using technology in the courtroom
and these were questions in the second LR section... so I guess that must've been the experimental? I found this section to be easier so bummer..
Hi all, I took it in Korea and had RC LR RC LG LR.
I was absolutely convinced the first RC was experimental (and even took a bathroom break in the middle because I was so convinced), but it turns out I was wrong. Whoops!
Here's what I can remember from the exam:
- Comparative: UN Declaration of Human Rights vs Declaration of Independence/British equivalent (Human rights)
- Columbian coffee farming and silk production
- Bipedalism in hominids
- John Locke’s value theory
- 7 Witnesses
- Displays (quilts, toys, S, I, P…) on each floor of 6 floors
- Scholarships in hum, math, science
- Metro, life, national sections in a newspaper
LR (I honestly can’t remember which section I saw these questions in)
- Fine thread: cotton and silk percentages
- Squirrel and rattlesnake
- Thesis on refuting Aristotle
- Photographic evidence of water on Mars
- Science fiction novel disagree
- Reproduction and death rate of phytoplankton(?)
- Aloe Vera
- Geese migrating in V-formation
- T-rex fossils & turbinates in sinuses
- BMI paradox
- Technology in the courtroom
- Vote for a candidate
- Chimps and food bartering
- Frogs eating a specific fungus and dying (environment vs lab)
- Public use of beaches (fishermen dying nets/recreational use) infringing on private land
- Nuclear power plant accidents vs some other accident/getting a scratch on hand...?
anyone remember the vote for party candidate FWJ in Lr, which I think is in the lr feel quite standard? (IR26 rc lr26 lr25 lg)
@jungminy5 thank you for these information!
I remember nuclear power risk question from my first LR. So sadly, the first LR was real. I found that one the most challenging. Maybe the chimpanzee trade question also appeared in this section (I saw this question before the break. So either in my 1st or 2nd LR. Certainly not the 3rd one cuz I had this one after the break).
Likely the 2nd LR I had was experimental??
I agree with@annie8chao-1, the vote one is probably the25 questions lr which is the easiest one.
The interest rate and economy, primate under overcrowding condition and genertation thing is probably in one of the 26 experimental lr.
The more challenging one is with chimps, cotton, another 26 lr section
I am not exactly sure if everyone remembered how many questions in first section, but from my memory when I flipped to last page of section it was 25, then RC 27 questions, then LR again 26 questions and after break another LR 25 questions. I am assuming that the 3rd section LR is experimental section because one of the past papers I have studied were those questions including Anthropologist: talking about Neanderthals some 30,000 years ago , etc....
@andrewdho1994 i had the same exam. My first LR out of 3 had 25Qs, and I am quite certain about this bc I automatically thought my next LR would have 26Qs as soon as I saw #25 in the first LR.
I think either the1st or 2nd LR was a dummy (ppl w/ 2 RCs said above that one of their LRs had the questions we had in our 3rd LR.)
I agree. I remember very clearly that I had the question about lake/river on Mars in my first LR(26) because I wasn't sure about the question and double check it the last minute. Since folks with 2RCs said they had this question, the second LR with 26 questions (aka the 3rd section) should be experimental.
I am not specifically sure which one will be experimental, but from what I know, most experimental sections would be taken from past exams. I am assuming the third section LR (the one after 15 minutes break) is experimental since I have prepared for these questions for exam. If you do KHAN ACADEMY 10 practice exams, the experimental (unscored) section for every PT was taken from earlier old exams. The first and second section for LR had new context and stimulus style questions which I would assume 1st section LR (25 questions) and 2nd section (26 questions) are the ones that will be counted towards LSAT. I honestly did not have time to finish first section, but managed to do more questions on Reading comprehension and LOgic Games to compensate for unnecessary loss of marks
So bookiechao, you and me are leaning towards 3rd section LR which is experimental (i.e. the one after 15 minute break) CORRECT?
Yes, and since I had only 2 LRs, the one with fine thread and cotton was not an experimental section.