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Upcoming Changes to 7Sage Courses

J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
edited April 2020 in General 14277 karma

7Sage Course Changes
Beginning on March 29th, our Starter, Premium, and Ultimate courses will no longer be available for purchase.

Instead, we will offer two subscription Ultimate+ options.

The first option is USD $69/month.

The second option is USD $599 for one year (12 months).

Both options are equivalent to the current Ultimate+ course in terms of content access. That means every single PrepTest, the entire Question Bank and Problem Set generator, all the video explanations, etc. In a word: everything. As new PrepTests get released and explanations made, they will be automatically added to your account.


LSAC Changes
In order to use either option, you must have an active LSAC Prep Plus subscription from LSAC which they launched yesterday and for which they charge $99/year. You might have already heard about this from these two posts on

What wasn't mentioned is the fact that with the launch of LSAC Prep Plus, every student who wants to use a prep course that uses real LSAT questions must have an active LSAC Prep Plus subscription. That includes us, 7Sage, and any other LSAT prep course that uses real LSAT questions.

Again, this means that in order to purchase our course once the change takes effect on March 29th, you must have an active LSAC Prep Plus subscription ($99/year). For example, enrolling in our courses will cost:
Option 1: USD $69/month + $99/year for LSAC Prep Plus
Option 2: USD $599/year + $99/year for LSAC Prep Plus

Note that you only need one LSAC Prep Plus subscription no matter how many prep courses you use. That means that if you use prep courses from multiple companies, you don't need to purchase multiple LSAC Prep Plus accounts. You can use the same one. But, and I'm repeating myself, if you want to use any prep course that uses real LSAT questions, you must sign up for LSAC Prep Plus.

Grandfathered Courses
Students who get or already have a Starter, Premium, Ultimate, Ultimate+ course before March 29th will be grandfathered into the course they currently have. In short, this means that these changes do not affect you as long as your grandfathered course is active. You will still have the option to extend at the current rate.

For example, if your Premium course expires on July 1, then you will continue to have access to your Premium course until it expires on July 1. Or you can extend it. You will not need to purchase an LSAC Prep Plus subscription. Again, in short, you won't be affected by these changes. You can stop reading here.

The longer version is that for some but not all of the grandfathered courses, an LSAC Prep Plus subscription will actually be needed. But, if this applies to you, you won't need to pay the $99 fee. We will cover it for you. Obviously, we don't want to incur this fee, but we also don't want you to incur it either.

These are big changes and you probably have questions. Please ask. We'll collect your questions and answer with an update in a FAQ in a week.

FAQ Update
Question 1:
For grandfathered accounts, what extension options are available?

Answer 1:
Right now extensions are available for 1 month at a time only for $25/month. Soon, we will make them available for 1, 2, or 3 months at a time at $25/month. There will not be an option for automatic subscription for grandfathered accounts. If you wish to keep your grandfathered account active, you must manually extend before the account expires. Once the account expires, it will be gone and cannot be reactivated.

Question 2:
Can I enroll in the new Ultimate+ course (monthly or 12-months) right now or before March 29?

Answer 2:
Likely yes but our system is not yet ready. The planned transition date is March 29. If we can get it ready before then, we will let you know here.

Question 3:
Say it's May and I have a grandfathered account. I know that means I won't have to pay for LSAT Prep Plus ($99) but you said I "might be required to have one anyway." How will I be contacted if that applies to me and what will I need to do?

Answer 3:
If this applies to you then you will receive an invite email from LSAC saying that you have a subscription already. You just have to login to LSAC to accept it.

Question 4:
Currently, Starter, Premium, and Ultimate courses can upgrade and purchase new PrepTests as addons as they are released. After March 29, will this still be possible?

Answer 4:
Sorry, no. After March 29, there will no longer be any upgrades or purchase additional PrepTests addon options. Grandfathered S/P/U accounts (i.e. S/P/U accounts purchased before March 29) will only have the option to extend their existing account (see Question 1) or the option to enroll in the new Ultimate+ options.

Question 5:
Is it a better deal to purchase Ultimate+ now and get a grandfathered account or wait? It seems like it's a better deal to wait since it will be $50 cheaper ($599 + $99 LSAC Prep Plus) = $698 versus right now it's $749.

Answer 5:
It depends. The content and access time for both are the same. The costs are not.

Ultimate+ now is $749 with $25/month extension option.
Ultimate+ after March 29th is $599 + $99 LSAC PrepPlus for the first 12 month = $698. If you need to go over 12 months, you can extend at $69/month but you also need to repurchase LSAC PrepPlus for $99 again because it's an annual subscription.

So, if you're planning to study for 12 months or less, then probably waiting is the better deal. If you're planning to study for more than 12 months, probably getting a Ultimate+ now is the better deal.

For example, assume study time of 15 months.
Ultimate+ now is $749 + 3x$25 (3 month extension) = $824
Ultimate+ after March 29 = $599 + $99 (LSAC Prep Plus year 1) + 3x$69 (3 month extension) + $99 (LSAC Prep Plus year 2) = $1,004


  • 776 karma

    Standardized testing and their barriers...... wow :(

  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    Wow. LSAC is so full of it, this is their attempt to lower barriers of entry into the legal profession? To charge prospective test takers $99/year if they want access to legitimate test material? ON TOP of paying for an LSAT course which so many already cannot afford. Good job LSAC, the kings of hypocrisy.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    For a "non-profit" they sure are a greedy bunch of assholes.

    I will never stop hating the LSAC.

    Thank you 7Sage for adapting the course material to at least attempt to make it affordable!

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    edited March 2020 1012 karma

    @Logician said:
    Wow. LSAC is so full of it, this is their attempt to lower barriers of entry into the legal profession? To charge prospective test takers $99/year if they want access to legitimate test material? ON TOP of paying for an LSAT course which so many already cannot afford. Good job LSAC, the kings of hypocrisy.

    I echo your sentiments.

  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    edited March 2020 14277 karma

    @"Positively LSAT Street" @"Daniel K" @danielbrowning208 @"Richard N" @lexxx745 @jayp1011 @Logician @Trusttheprocess @LSATcantwin @Emily2122 @JDream2020 @LindseyDC @Hopeful9812 @cole.davis10

    Hey guys, sorry that was so unclear in the initial post. I've updated it to hopefully answer your questions and I'm copying that part of it here as well.

    Grandfathered Courses
    Students who get or already have a Starter, Premium, Ultimate, Ultimate+ course before March 29th will be grandfathered into the course they currently have. In short, this means that these changes do not affect you as long as your grandfathered course is active. You will still have the option to extend at the current rate.

    For example, if your Premium course expires on July 1, then you will continue to have access to your Premium course until it expires on July 1. Or you can extend it. You will not need to purchase an LSAC Prep Plus subscription. Again, in short, you won't be affected by these changes. You can stop reading here.

    The longer version is that for some but not all of the grandfathered courses, an LSAC Prep Plus subscription will actually be needed. But, if this applies to you, you won't need to pay the $99 fee. We will cover it for you. Obviously, we don't want to incur this fee, but we also don't want you to incur it either.

  • This_is_HardThis_is_Hard Alum Member
    815 karma

    Thanks for clarifying J.Y.

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    Thanks for the much needed clarification! :)

  • Hopeful9812Hopeful9812 Member
    872 karma

    Thank you so much for clarifying!

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    I am so glad to have a grand fathered in account. I heard a little about LSAC’s $99 dollar prep test option which I thought sounded okay for people who don’t have an Ultimate or Ultimate+ account like we have the option of but wow to hear that they want to make everyone not grandfathered into a plan pay for that plus LSAT prep is beyond ridiculous!

  • cole.davis10cole.davis10 Alum Member
    361 karma

    Thanks for the clarification J.Y. That's good news for those with a grandfathered account!

  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    edited March 2020 737 karma

    If you're able to answer this, are you guys - and other companies - still going to be paying LSAC fees for using their content then? So now they're getting fees for content from students and test-prep companies? Wow.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    There is no longer a multi-month extension option.

  • InternationallawInternationallaw Alum Member
    25 karma

    Thank you for the information JY. I do not like what the LSAC is doing but I love how 7Sage is doing everything to help us. It goes beyond just teaching... You guys are providing all the tools for us to succeed. Thanks for that guys

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28066 karma

    This does have some advantages. Ultimate+ will be meaningfully cheaper. That’s good. More people will be able to afford it. The month-to-month will provide a bridge option to many others. This seems like a very well balanced response to this terrible policy. Still, many others who previously got a great value with the lower level packages may be priced out altogether. I know this test is not cheap to produce or administer. They do have to fund themselves. But schemes like this have the polarizing effect of shutting out poor and working class students entirely. LSAC knows that and has been actively widening that gap.

    Thanks JY for standing between us and them and for responding to their bullshit as well as possible to keep all this available to as many people as possible.

  • tams2018tams2018 Member
    732 karma

    Best news I heard all day!

  • sillyscorpionssillyscorpions Alum Member
    47 karma

    @Trusttheprocess said:
    Standardized testing and their barriers...... wow :(

    I feel like lots of these courses preach about equal access to education materials and then bam, capitalism rears its ugly head. I hate it so much.

  • SnugsterrSnugsterr Member
    27 karma

    LSAC at it again. Not surprised.....

  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    edited March 2020 14277 karma

    Hi everyone, I just posted an update FAQ that attempted to consolidate the questions that we've been getting here and privately via studentservices. Please see update in the original post above.

    Separately, this thread is getting so long that it's hard to read.

    @"Positively LSAT Street" @"Daniel K" @danielbrowning208 @"Richard N" @lexxx745 @jayp1011 @Logician @Trusttheprocess @LSATcantwin @Emily2122 @JDream2020 @LindseyDC @Hopeful9812 @cole.davis10
    @Citygirl @lucky7wy @Positive @Emily2122 @"Regina Jones" @julia513 @"Elle Goals" @bill.chanhee.lee @jaeminner @LOPESDENISE1986 @amanda

    I deleted your questions that have been answered. I didn't delete anything else (i.e. comments). I took a screenshot of the original thread though, so it's archived here-page-1 and here-page-2.

  • bill.chanhee.leebill.chanhee.lee Alum Member
    edited March 2020 63 karma

    Hi. I am about to purchase 99 dollar option, lsac prep plus, so two questions, asap answers required.

    1. let's say I have a premium account of 7 sage already but I decide to buy lsac prep plus( this plan is already purchased). In August 20th and my premium account ends in August 31 2020 but I decide to purchase ultimate plus, 69 dollar one month deal, in order to get June 2020 lsat 7 sage explanation and June 2020 lsat, and I don't buy any more services from 7 sage. But let's say I decide to purchase lsat that would occur August 2020 , and 7 sage explanations about it, let's say i decide to rebuy the 69 dollar deal in November 7th 2020, I again rebuy 69 dollar monthly deal in November 7th... A student does not have to pay more than 69+69 dollar (plus tax). Correct? As in a student doesn't have to pay inactive service fees between or new activation fee in November 7th?

    Two. If I have a premium account that ends in let's say March 2021, would I be still granted with an access of lg video explanations for June, August, November 2020 lsat parts in the future? Since premium account can access all lg video explanations?

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @"bill.chanhee.lee" said:
    Hi. I am about to purchase 99 dollar option, lsac prep plus, so two questions, asap answers required.

    1. let's say I have a premium account of 7 sage already but I decide to buy lsac prep plus( this plan is already purchased). In August 20th and my premium account ends in August 31 2020 but I decide to purchase ultimate plus, 69 dollar one month deal, in order to get June 2020 lsat 7 sage explanation and June 2020 lsat, and I don't buy any more services from 7 sage. But let's say I decide to purchase lsat that would occur August 2020 , and 7 sage explanations about it, let's say i decide to rebuy the 69 dollar deal in November 7th 2020, I again rebuy 69 dollar monthly deal in November 7th... A student does not have to pay more than 69+69 dollar (plus tax). Correct? As in a student doesn't have to pay inactive service fees between or new activation fee in November 7th?

    Two. If I have a premium account that ends in let's say March 2021, would I be still granted with an access of lg video explanations for June, August, November 2020 lsat parts in the future? Since premium account can access all lg video explanations?

    Hi Bill,

    Yes, to your second question. You will still be granted access to all our Logic Games video explanations.

    Sorry, I do not understand your first question. Can you clarify?

  • bill.chanhee.leebill.chanhee.lee Alum Member
    edited March 2020 63 karma

    Hi. Basically if I bought one month ultimate plus deal (69 dollar one ) when I have lsac prep plus subscription , and more than a month time passed, and I desire to repurchase the ultimate plus deal (one month deal)again, what happens then?

    How much cost would be in that scenario ?

    @"Juliet --Student Service--" said:

    @"bill.chanhee.lee" said:
    Hi. I am about to purchase 99 dollar option, lsac prep plus, so two questions, asap answers required.

    1. let's say I have a premium account of 7 sage already but I decide to buy lsac prep plus( this plan is already purchased). In August 20th and my premium account ends in August 31 2020 but I decide to purchase ultimate plus, 69 dollar one month deal, in order to get June 2020 lsat 7 sage explanation and June 2020 lsat, and I don't buy any more services from 7 sage. But let's say I decide to purchase lsat that would occur August 2020 , and 7 sage explanations about it, let's say i decide to rebuy the 69 dollar deal in November 7th 2020, I again rebuy 69 dollar monthly deal in November 7th... A student does not have to pay more than 69+69 dollar (plus tax). Correct? As in a student doesn't have to pay inactive service fees between or new activation fee in November 7th?

    Two. If I have a premium account that ends in let's say March 2021, would I be still granted with an access of lg video explanations for June, August, November 2020 lsat parts in the future? Since premium account can access all lg video explanations?

    Hi Bill,

    Yes, to your second question. You will still be granted access to all our Logic Games video explanations.

    Sorry, I do not understand your first question. Can you clarify?

  • cldennis94cldennis94 Core Member
    145 karma

    Hello, I have a starter account already. On March 30th, my account will be grandfathered in. However, does my access remain starter level or does it become Ultimate level?

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    edited March 2020 5740 karma

    @"bill.chanhee.lee" said:
    Hi. Basically if I bought one month ultimate plus deal (69 dollar one ) when I have lsac prep plus subscription , and more than a month time passed, and I desire to repurchase the ultimate plus deal (one month deal)again, what happens then?

    How much cost would be in that scenario ?

    @"Juliet --Student Service--" said:

    @"bill.chanhee.lee" said:
    Hi. I am about to purchase 99 dollar option, lsac prep plus, so two questions, asap answers required.

    1. let's say I have a premium account of 7 sage already but I decide to buy lsac prep plus( this plan is already purchased). In August 20th and my premium account ends in August 31 2020 but I decide to purchase ultimate plus, 69 dollar one month deal, in order to get June 2020 lsat 7 sage explanation and June 2020 lsat, and I don't buy any more services from 7 sage. But let's say I decide to purchase lsat that would occur August 2020 , and 7 sage explanations about it, let's say i decide to rebuy the 69 dollar deal in November 7th 2020, I again rebuy 69 dollar monthly deal in November 7th... A student does not have to pay more than 69+69 dollar (plus tax). Correct? As in a student doesn't have to pay inactive service fees between or new activation fee in November 7th?

    Two. If I have a premium account that ends in let's say March 2021, would I be still granted with an access of lg video explanations for June, August, November 2020 lsat parts in the future? Since premium account can access all lg video explanations?

    Hi Bill,

    Yes, to your second question. You will still be granted access to all our Logic Games video explanations.

    Sorry, I do not understand your first question. Can you clarify?

    Hi Bill,

    If you purchase the monthly $69/month Ultimate+ subscription, you would be charged $69 immediately. If you cancel the subscription before the end of the month, then you can continue to use the course until the end of the month, at which point your access expires. If you decide to resubscribe, you will be charged $69 again and your access will be restored.

    If you do not cancel the subscription, your card will be charged $69 again after a month. You will continue to be charged $69 each month until you cancel it.

    I hope this helps! Please let me know if it's still unclear.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @cldennis94 said:
    Hello, I have a starter account already. On March 30th, my account will be grandfathered in. However, does my access remain starter level or does it become Ultimate level?

    Hi there,

    Your current account will be grandfathered in at the Starter level. Currently, Starter, Premium, and Ultimate courses can upgrade and purchase new PrepTests, but after March 29 there will no longer be any upgrades or purchase of additional PrepTests addon options.

    Grandfathered Starter/Premium/Ultimate accounts (i.e. Starter/Premium/Ultimate accounts purchased before March 29) will only have the option to extend their existing account or the option to enroll in the new Ultimate+ options.

  • jcutley93jcutley93 Member
    9 karma


    I am unsure if this was answered above, but I just have a quick clarification.

    I have been on the Ultimate+ plan since last year - my account is currently set to expire on August 25, 2020. If I decide to extend later on by the month, will I have to then get the LSAC subscription? I am absolutely hoping to be done with the LSAT by then lol - but I just want to make sure.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @jcutley93 said:

    I am unsure if this was answered above, but I just have a quick clarification.

    I have been on the Ultimate+ plan since last year - my account is currently set to expire on August 25, 2020. If I decide to extend later on by the month, will I have to then get the LSAC subscription? I am absolutely hoping to be done with the LSAT by then lol - but I just want to make sure.

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi there,

    Since you already have an Ultimate+ course before March 29th, you will be grandfathered into your Ultimate+ course. In short, this means that these changes do not affect you as long as your grandfathered course is active. You will still have the option to extend at the current rate.

    You will not need to purchase an LSAC Prep Plus subscription. Again, in short, you won't be affected by these changes.

    Let us know if you have any further questions!

  • Kris4444Kris4444 Member
    266 karma

    Hi, sorry if this was already answered, but how do we know if our grandfathered account will require us to purchase LSAC prep plus? If I have a starter pack and intend to upgrade to ultimate+ will I need to but prep plus and the monthly subscription after the changes take place?

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @"christina.parchem" said:
    Hi, sorry if this was already answered, but how do we know if our grandfathered account will require us to purchase LSAC prep plus? If I have a starter pack and intend to upgrade to ultimate+ will I need to but prep plus and the monthly subscription after the changes take place?

    Hi there,

    If your grandfathered account requires an LSAC Prep Plus subscription, you will receive an invite email from LSAC saying that you have a subscription already. You just have to login to LSAC to accept it.

    You can upgrade your course anytime before March 29, 2020. You will not need to purchase an LSAC Prep Plus subscription. Sorry, After March 29, there will no longer be any upgrades or purchase additional PrepTests addon options. Grandfathered Starter/Premium/Ultimate accounts (i.e. Starter/Premium/Ultimate accounts purchased before March 29) will only have the option to extend their existing account or the option to enroll in the new Ultimate+ options.

  • meghanegmeghaneg Core Member
    60 karma

    Hi! I'm currently enrolled in Premium, which is set to expire May 2. If I choose to let this run out and get Ultimate+ on a monthly basis starting in May, will I have to pay for the LSAC Prep Plus subscription as well or will the subscription 7sage bought for my grandfathered subscription still be active?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @meghaneg said:
    Hi! I'm currently enrolled in Premium, which is set to expire May 2. If I choose to let this run out and get Ultimate+ on a monthly basis starting in May, will I have to pay for the LSAC Prep Plus subscription as well or will the subscription 7sage bought for my grandfathered subscription still be active?

    Thanks for your help!

    Hi there,

    Sorry, if your grandfathered account expires, you will need to purchase an LSAC Prep Plus subscription ($99/year) in order to enroll in one of our new Ultimate+ subscription options after March 29.

  • L1__2020L1__2020 Alum Member
    43 karma


    Thanks so much for answering questions. I just want to make sure I have this down before purchasing. Currently, I have a premium account set to expire in April. If I upgrade to ultimate+ ($400) before March 29, I get access until June, the LSAC Prep Plus subscription, and the option to extend monthly for $25/m. This includes $100 off admissions.

    If I do not upgrade before March 29 and let my account expire, I will lose my current data (e.g. prep test scores, question data, completed problem sets) and purchase a new Ult+ package ($599) that lasts for 12 months, and an LSAC Prep Plus subscription ($99). This is $698 with no money off admissions packages and $69/m to extend. The other new alternative is $69/m for this same deal. Am I correct on these options? Thanks!

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @L1__2020 said:

    Thanks so much for answering questions. I just want to make sure I have this down before purchasing. Currently, I have a premium account set to expire in April. If I upgrade to ultimate+ ($400) before March 29, I get access until June, the LSAC Prep Plus subscription, and the option to extend monthly for $25/m. This includes $100 off admissions.

    If I do not upgrade before March 29 and let my account expire, I will lose my current data (e.g. prep test scores, question data, completed problem sets) and purchase a new Ult+ package ($599) that lasts for 12 months, and an LSAC Prep Plus subscription ($99). This is $698 with no money off admissions packages and $69/m to extend. The other new alternative is $69/m for this same deal. Am I correct on these options? Thanks!

    Hi there,

    Yes, if you upgrade from Premium to Ultimate+ before March 29, this will extend your course until June. You will have the option to purchase additional extensions at $25/ month. I also confirm that you will not need to purchase an LSAC Prep Plus subscription.

    If your course expires, you will have the option to enroll in one of our new Ultimate+ subscription options and you will also need to purchase an LSAC Prep Plus subscription unless you already have one. You can then extend your new Ultimate+ course for $69/month. However, if you use the same email address that you used with your old account, to enroll in the new course, you will be able to access all your past data, it will not be lost.

    You will receive $100 off the comprehensive admissions consulting course with both the old Ultimate+ and the new 12-month Ultimate+ courses.

  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma

    We just got permission from LSAC to start offering the new subscriptions a couple of days early! So if you don't have an existing grandfathered course and would like to sign up for one of the new subscriptions, you can do it right now:

    If you run into any issues, please let us know!

  • edited March 2020 54 karma

    @"Alan Cheuk" said:
    We just got permission from LSAC to start offering the new subscriptions a couple of days early! So if you don't have an existing grandfathered course and would like to sign up for one of the new subscriptions, you can do it right now:

    If you run into any issues, please let us know!

    Amazing! I have been counting down the days. Now I can stop doing that, and spend time learning.

    Signup successful. Thanks!

  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma

    Is it okay if I purchase the course without purchasing the $99 LSAT Prep Test.


    Jimmy Rivera.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @jimmyrivera201 said:
    Is it okay if I purchase the course without purchasing the $99 LSAT Prep Test.


    Jimmy Rivera.

    Hi there,

    Sorry, no, in order to use our courses LSAC mandates that students have an LSAC Prep Plus subscription. This applies not just to 7Sage but to any company utilizing real LSAT questions.
    However, if you already purchased an LSAC Prep Plus subscription, uncheck the box on the Pricing page that says "Include in purchase." See the screenshot below:


  • leecprleecpr Member
    58 karma

    Hi! I have a standard (I believe that's what it's called) subscription that is set to expire at the end of April. If I want to extend the standard to May or June, I only have to pay the $25 to extend it, but not the additional $99?

  • sharingiscaringsharingiscaring Free Trial Member
    12 karma

    Hi, I am not sure if you have answered this question. But is there discount for those who have the LSAC fee waiver?

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @leecpr said:
    Hi! I have a standard (I believe that's what it's called) subscription that is set to expire at the end of April. If I want to extend the standard to May or June, I only have to pay the $25 to extend it, but not the additional $99?

    Hi there,

    You can extend your grandfathered Premium course by purchasing an extension on this page: The extension is $25 per month. You are not required to purchase an LSAC Prep Plus subscription for your grandfathered account.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @sharingiscaring said:
    Hi, I am not sure if you have answered this question. But is there discount for those who have the LSAC fee waiver?

    Hi there,

    Due to recent changes to our courses, we plan to modify our LSAC Fee Waiver program, but we have not yet finalized the details of how the new program will work. Sorry!

    We will update you when we have more details about the new fee waiver program.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Do you plan to have an autopay option in the future so we don't have to keep entering payment information? If not, I understand, but if so that would be very helpful.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @lsatplaylist said:
    Do you plan to have an autopay option in the future so we don't have to keep entering payment information? If not, I understand, but if so that would be very helpful.

    Hi there,

    Sorry, we do not have any plans to create a recurring charge for extending grandfathered accounts.

  • rhendzelrhendzel Member
    18 karma

    Hi, my course is set to expire next month and I am planning on extending through August. Is there no longer the option to purchase practice tests to extend?


  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @rhendzel said:
    Hi, my course is set to expire next month and I am planning on extending through August. Is there no longer the option to purchase practice tests to extend?


    Sorry, no. From March 29, there are no longer any upgrades or purchase additional PrepTests addon options. Grandfathered Starter/Premium/Ultimate accounts (i.e. Starter/Premium/Ultimate accounts purchased before March 29) will only have the option to extend their existing account by purchasing an extension at $25/month or the option to enroll in the new Ultimate+ options.

  • LivinLaVidaLSATLivinLaVidaLSAT Alum Member
    720 karma

    @"Juliet --Student Service--" said:

    @sharingiscaring said:
    Hi, I am not sure if you have answered this question. But is there discount for those who have the LSAC fee waiver?

    Hi there,

    Due to recent changes to our courses, we plan to modify our LSAC Fee Waiver program, but we have not yet finalized the details of how the new program will work. Sorry!

    We will update you when we have more details about the new fee waiver program.

    Hi, Juliet!

    Do you have an update on this?

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @LivinLaVidaLSAT said:

    @"Juliet --Student Service--" said:

    @sharingiscaring said:
    Hi, I am not sure if you have answered this question. But is there discount for those who have the LSAC fee waiver?

    Hi there,

    Due to recent changes to our courses, we plan to modify our LSAC Fee Waiver program, but we have not yet finalized the details of how the new program will work. Sorry!

    We will update you when we have more details about the new fee waiver program.

    Hi, Juliet!

    Do you have an update on this?

    Hi there,

    Yes, 7Sage's Fee Waiver Program allows students who have LSAC fee waivers to access our Ultimate+ curriculum at reduced cost. With your fee waiver, you can enroll in our Fee Waiver Program and get four months of Ultimate+ for $40. You can find more information about our Fee Waiver Program on this page:

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.

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