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155 Diagnostic to 173 November

dogmadaddydogmadaddy Alum Member

Hey all,

Just wanted to thank 7sage team and give a few words of advice that I hope will help someone out.

First off, the LSAT can't take over your life. Sometimes, you simply just have to stop thinking about the test. If you don't, you'll burn yourself out and perform poorly. I spent May through September cooped up in a small room studying for one too many hours/day and I suffered for it. Started living life a little bit in October and saw score increase of +5 on my PT's and on my actual exam. Of course this is not the only reason my score improved, but it is certainly one of them. Time away from the test is crucial for the learning process. Go for a walk. Play with your pets. Do anything but the LSAT.

For LR: Practice visualising every stimulus you see. This was the game changer for me. Visualising what you read leads to being engaged with the material which leads to an understanding of it. Do untimed practice questions until you are comfortable making a mental image of each stimulus you read. Just a heads up, this takes lots of practice. But if you master it, it is an extremely effective strategy.

For RC: Same advice as LR. Practice untimed passages and visualize every sentence you read. Your mental image of each sentence should allow you to understand it. Once you get good at that, read whole passages and visualize the main points of each paragraph (or at least something notable from the paragraph). This made me a MUCH more engaged test taker. I actually started finding the passages interesting once I started doing this.

For LG: Drill, drill, drill. There is no way around it. If you do logic games enough, you will rarely miss a question. I probably spent around 700 hours drilling logic games. Yes, it sucks but if you do it enough you'll rarely see a game that gives you any trouble. By the end of my prep, I was completing full sections in around 25 minutes and scoring -0/-1. LG really is free points and you have to take advantage of it.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.


  • spittingnickelsspittingnickels Live Member
    196 karma

    I love this success story. I hope to one day be writing the post you just wrote ; cheering on my team's runners from the other side of the hallowed finish line.

    I'll ask this : do I need to do the core curriculum again? I love logical reasoning so I decided I want to take the test after August so I don't need to do the games. I already did the core curriculum but 7sage put out a new core curriculum. Do I need to do that one?

  • dogmadaddydogmadaddy Alum Member
    58 karma

    Personally, I would not. That is, if you are comfortable with stuff like conditional logic and the different question types. But since you already did the CC, I would focus on volume (doing a ton of questions): Use the earlier PTs for drilling and the later PTs for full length tests. Answer and review all questions for LR while truly understanding every stimulus. For RC, I found that volume helped too. Do a ton of passages and really make an effort to engage with them.

  • BriannaK13BriannaK13 Alum Member
    41 karma

    Was your diagnostic using flex scoring? or was the 155 using all four sections towards the score

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