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New to 7sage

mollytriolomollytriolo Free Trial Member
in General 4 karma
Hey everyone!!

Just looking for some general tips about 7sage! What is the most helpful feature? What should I definitely use? I'll be taking the LSAT in October


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Welcome! And you're certainly in the right place. Feel free to look around the site and check out this awesome forum if you haven't yet. Also do check out the 7sage packs, you're even able to view the exact content of what each pack contains by taking a look at the study scheduler provided by 7sage. No other prep company will charge as little as 7sage especially given the magnitude of amazing information/strategies/support they offer! What's your background? Have you taken an lsat? Diagnostic? Prep course?
  • notwilliamwallacenotwilliamwallace Alum Member
    1049 karma
    Welcome to 7Sage. The best thing you could do for your LSAT prep would be to just sign up for a course and start from the very first video in the curriculum, which has been carefully set up to make sure that you get very comfortable with the basics.

    However, one thing I would warn you is that if you have no knowledge of how the LSAT works, aiming to write the exam in September (not October) is kinda risky. If you haven't already booked, would you consider writing it in December at the earliest? LSAT is a weird test and it takes time to engrain the material into your mind. It's totally like learning how to play the cannot be expected to be proficient in less than three months.
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    Hi, welcome. You've come to the right place. I would advise you to get the first few 10 Actuals from amazon and get started with the curriculum. I would also advise you to be open about the date and not expect to take it before a certain time, but to take it when you are ready. Def make use of our community, and webinars and when it's time to pt, make use of our br sessions.

    Best of luck.
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