Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). -5 or -6 on LR: advice pushing to the next level - 7Sage Forum

-5 or -6 on LR: advice pushing to the next level

Marco AntonioMarco Antonio Alum Member

I have been doing confidence drills lately and I've been doing worse than I normally do. I usually miss between 5-6 per section, but on the last two I did I missed 9. Not quite sure what to make of it. I have been trying to get my timing to be 20 in 20 and 20-25 in 8, so I have 7 minutes to review whatever I skipped. I feel like this is considerably more difficult for me to do than my usual timing strategy, which quite honestly involves barely making it in time. On my last section I was able to get 17 in 20 and then I did 18-25 in 10, so I had 5 minutes to spare. Unfortunately, I felt like 5 minutes is not quite enough time to have leftover. I'm in a position where I'm not sure what to do to improve. I feel like I can sense the correct answer once I have a clear understanding of the stimulus, but I can't make the information click any faster. Any feedback would be super helpful


  • sakox010sakox010 Member
    333 karma

    Are you blind reviewing? Obviously speed is important but at this point it sounds like you need to be understanding why the answers are wrong. This could mean grinding through a specific problem for 10-15 minutes before finally understanding why the correct answer choice is right and the why the other 4 answers are wrong. The process can be pretty brutal but you learn a lot through doing it and it'll help your LR scores.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited November 2017 23929 karma

    @"Marco Antonio" said:
    I have been doing confidence drills lately and I've been doing worse than I normally do. I usually miss between 5-6 per section, but on the last two I did I missed 9. Not quite sure what to make of it. I have been trying to get my timing to be 20 in 20 and 20-25 in 8, so I have 7 minutes to review whatever I skipped. I feel like this is considerably more difficult for me to do than my usual timing strategy, which quite honestly involves barely making it in time. On my last section I was able to get 17 in 20 and then I did 18-25 in 10, so I had 5 minutes to spare. Unfortunately, I felt like 5 minutes is not quite enough time to have leftover. I'm in a position where I'm not sure what to do to improve. I feel like I can sense the correct answer once I have a clear understanding of the stimulus, but I can't make the information click any faster. Any feedback would be super helpful

    I think if you're still missing 5-6 per section that there may be significant room for improvement of some on the fundamentals. For this, use analytics and see if there are questions you're missing more often. I would also recommend using your iPhone to record yourself taking sections, see if there are any particular question types where you can go faster or that you are clearly unsure of. My advice has always been to try to get your LR down to -3/-4 or so before taking PTs or tons of timed sections. I found that when I was finally at that level that I had a good grasp of the propositional knowledge required to do well on logical reasoning.

    For now, until you can go -3/-4 untimed, don't worry about going faster; just focus on accuracy. That's my .02 anyways.

    Good luck!

  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    984 karma

    @"Alex Divine" what do you do after you get -3/-4 untimed? also is iti -3/-4 per section or for both sections

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @Kateryna said:
    @"Alex Divine" what do you do after you get -3/-4 untimed? also is iti -3/-4 per section or for both sections

    After that I finally felt like working on my speed was a worthy endeavor. As it turned out, once I was missing around 3 per section, I was able to BR almost 100% to -0. This meant I had a great understanding of the fundamentals, but it was timing and strategy that were holding me back. So, I guess once you can go -3/-4 per sectionthat might be a good time to consider trying out confidence drills or working on speed. If you're missing more than that consistently, I would guess you still have room to improve by drilling by question type and reviewing the lessons in the CC.

  • Marco AntonioMarco Antonio Alum Member
    199 karma

    @sakox010, yeah I usually BR each section after I finish and I articulate the wrong and right answer as much as I can. I almost never miss more than 1 when I'm BRing singular timed sections. At the same time, I think my fundamentals could use a little work. I think that's what I'm going to focus on at this phase in my prep.

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