Going through my application, and they want a "reason for ... go from a job due to a minor technological mistake I ... 'm not quite sure howto address it and if it even needs ...
... anyone help me figure out howto blind review after entering answers ... paper test? I understand howto convert to digital and see my score, but ... 'm hoping to be able to enter my paper answers and then blind ...
Hi everyone, I just found out that LSAC has plans to gradually remove the logicgames section from the LSAT supposedly through 2023. Was just wondering if anyone knows whether this next testing cycle is going to contain the logicgames section...
Hi, does anyone know howto get rid of the blue messenger icon in the corner? It directly covers the "next" arrow when I'm taking practice modules and it's really annoying. Can't seem to find a way to disable it.
... d like some tips on howto stay interested regardless. Whenever ... way harder for me to stay interested (and thereby stay focused, ... which impacts my ability to understand ... constraints of the test and because they give us ...
... m stuck and not really sure where to begin or howto start ... scoring better on logicgames than LR and RC and i usually get ... . i have access to powerscore bibles and official LSAT preptests. ... websites. any help on howto start andhowto space out my study ...
... I wrote the August LSAT and got a 156. I ... again in November and I am hoping to increase my score ... full account at 7Sage and I am wondering if ... suggestions on howto best use the CC and 7Sage tools to develop ... the analytic tool and was able to see where I ...
... I've taken to honing my skills with LogicGames. I see people ... notation (even labeling each notation to the rule it represents), ... then I try to make inferences.
... meantime, I plan to study with the PowerScore LogicGames Bible. I' ...
... taking the November test and need advice. I have ... been consistently studying and even got 2 lessons ... .) but am feeling stuck and distressed. LG is my ... help me with LR and RC... he definitely helped ... just need advice on howto change my approach or ...
... the modifications/removal of the logicgames section recently. Does anyone know ... being altered? It was supposed to happen throughout 2023. Has 7sage ...
... paid for the live course and I found that there ... including proctored tests and office hours. Could anyone explain howto use two ... of them? Proctored tests and office ... taking live classes and I am not sure howto properly use this ...
Hi! Does anyone have the answer key for the December 2022 logicgames? I found them somewhere on here a long time ago. I downloaded it and am now just trying them, but cannot find where I found them.
... Henry Ewing and I will offer practical advice on howto best set ... yourself up for success given recent testing changes, and ... we'd love to hear from you ... on shared experiences and advice. I hope to see you on ...
... I felt prepared and cancelled that score, and then I ... and performed really poorly... but I have no idea howto ... spin that in a compelling way and not ... NYU Law info session and an admissions officer said ... no idea what to write or howto word it...
... finally saw a difference in how I engaged with the ... material with my lsat PT and saw a small increase. ... know the way to get better at logicgames is to just do them ... 5 months now and taking the January exam and I'm ... helpful even if it has to do with a strategy ...
I am planning on taking the LSAT after the LogicGames will no longer be a component. Is there a way to disable the logicgames sections during these prep tests?
... but I have no idea howto study. My college degree (History ... around writing and research, and very rarely did I need to study. I ... of right now, and I would like to study for longer periods ... bit of a perfectionist and would like to do as well as ...
... 's via the analytics, and being able to make notes on each ... types I missed and notes on them and needless to say discovering 7sage ... /questions from my drills to come back and review later instead of ... tell us where they are andhowto best use them!
I know from friends that there is strategy to approaching each section- whether thats numbering logicgames on difficulty and taking them in that order or approaching LR questions to save time. Does anyone know if 7sage has guidance on this?
... could still actually study and practice logicgames even after they remove ... test. i find learning and practicing these problems are very ... developing analytical skills for law and other aspects of life. ... but appreciate the challenge and feel good about showing ...
... short of that goal and am feeling a bit ... the 170s (with LGs) and have seen RC/LR scores ... m capable of getting close to that margin. I was ... feeling the same way and was wondering howto approach the post- ... time and effort towards getting a 170 and hate to fall ...
I am taking the LSAT August 2024 and am still struggling a bit with timing. Does anyone have any ideas on howto improve in the next 3 weeks that I have?