@MissChanandler was trying to make a studyplan to cover one PT a week for the rest of the weeks before test and wanted to create a plan for selecting PTs to take. Is there a better plan to select PTs.
Congratulations!! If not it is a secret, could you please share about your studyplan, your pre-7sage score, and how long you have been studying for? Thanks so much!!
... give you an additional one (1) month to your account. So going ... would give you one extra month, whereas going from Starter to ... would give you a 2 month extension, for example.
... />
We only have a 1month extension option. Therefore, you have ... option to extend for one month at a time, but you ... just need to purchase the 1-month extension twice.
Thank you for your help. But, umm, if I were to extend my membership for 2 more years, does that mean I have to purchase the 1-month extension 24 times?