... strategy and execution, the other 10% of the process, I think ... , but you should forego the actual process. By watching the videos ... unarticulated understanding. This only represents 10% of the work, though, and ...
@cloopdedoop I would say keep them until the end. I have taken every PT from 10 up multiple times, including the India PT's and I can't stress how frustrating it is not having fresh tests. Keep them until the end to gauge your actual performance.
... with 3 blanks and 10 circles surpasses the threshold ... it absolutely cannot be 10 questions out of every ... the entire test; circling 10 questions in one section ... because it was never the actual problem to begin with. ... gun your way through 10 whole questions again. ...
You can buy paperback versions on Amazon (search "Actual LSAT"). A book of ten tests is around $25, where as newer tests that haven't been bundled yet can be purchased individually for $7 - $10.
... mastered I can do 8-10 sections per day (timed), for ... to 50, in sets of 10, cycling, keeping a log of ... you are studying for, your actual performance/ goals, how far out ...
... try to practice until the actual August exam and maybe you ... your target. If you're ~10 points short or more, I ... not reinforcing the material with actual exams.
... sections to finishing with 5-10 minutes left, which let me ... I would take them under actual test conditions (no music, no ... goal was to make the actual LSAT just feel like another ...