Congrats! If anything, I'm sure most schools will be more impressed that you wen't from a 144to a 160. It shows that you had a goal in mind, and busted your butt to reach it.
... of your time would be to FoolProof the games - here's ... would push you from 164 to ~169, and you have plenty of ... time until September to proof all the early games ...
... 2nd PT and hoped to reach close to169 by June test. I ... above. It's definitely possible to jump and its a lot ... , they will both need to improve to make your average higher so ...
... did it take you guys to move up those points ? I ... time, but I really want to get in for the next ... they will accept up to December (might have to recheck that since ... -point increase from mid-140s to169 official took me about 9 ...
Northwestern bumping their median from 168 to169 is killing me. I know it's 1 point, but the feeling of going from median to below median sucks. And dang Berkeley, upped all 3 LSATs. 75th from 168 to 170 is impressive.
... ! This will train you to naturally apply that on test ... for others' advice on how to approach this test (usually ... in November. I want to add, I did poorly ... timed PT was right around 169-171 usually and I ... like the 165-167 range to169-171 range was pretty ...
... assumption has been made to connect the premise to the conclusion. If ... you intuitively picked up on to describing what assumption was ... views?" then it's easy to jump to "assumes that one person ... tandem with 7sage pushed me to169. The thorough BR advocated in ...
... the questions and how to predict traps almost immediately. ... big drops (high 170s to169 more or less) later ... started doing consistently was to meditate for focus and ... I missed or needed to emphasize more. Also did ... this prior to every PT.
... But coming from a 144to a 159 takes so much ... retaking in October to hopefully get closer to their median. But ... . While covid caused numbers to go up, you are ... (a 161). You deserve to move past this test if ... you truly don't want to continue wrestling it - apply. ...
... But coming from a 144to a 159 takes so ... retaking in October to hopefully get closer to their median. ... While covid caused numbers to go up, you are ... truly don't want to continue wrestling it - apply ... you can bring something wonderful to their school!
< ...
... But coming from a 144to a 159 takes so ... retaking in October to hopefully get closer to their median. ... While covid caused numbers to go up, you are ... truly don't want to continue wrestling it - apply ... you can bring something wonderful to their school!
& ...
> @"I say go go go" said:
> Thank you 7sage community for all the help, went from a 161 to169. Not 170 but it's perfect in my book
> Going to do the consulting hours now for the essays
... gotten my score up from 144to 148 those 3 times. im ... . right now my plan is to keep working on my personal ... other app stuff and apply to 5-10 schools and see ... love the school i go to or transfer after 1L which ...
... test day, it’s normal to score several points lower than ... around what you would like to, I suggest holding off unless ... summer to169 on this November test! Feel free to reach out to me ... if you’d like to chat more ...
... score jump from ~160 to169 in less than 3 weeks ... will likely be impossible to answer. Don't worry ... drill you will start to find yourself going through ... found it super useful to pause after each paragraph ... paragraph I would say to myself "the phenomenon is ...
... study group? I consistently scored 169-170 on PT's. However ... those scores. Therefore, I had to cancel my score. I am ... looking to bridge the gap on my ...
... was scoring 150s leading up to test day and for the ... this morning to see 144...I don’t know what to do. I ... made my chances okay due to my extra curriculars. If I ... I understand my scores sucks to a lot of people, but ... 4/13 schools I applied to last year with a 146 ...
... prep test today and scored 169. However, I let myself have ... a little extra time due to the fact that my ENTIRE ... Monday, how can I ensure to get my time down and ...