V interested. I've gotten a 162 on a PT but I've also recently gotten a 152. I took a break after choking on the nov LSAT but am ready to develop better habits!
I'd also like to join! Currently scoring between 146-152, but my highest BR score is 161. I took the November test and I'm planning to re-take in January and February.
I have a similar problem. I guess its not enough to just know the material. You have to have expert mastery to the point where u can answer fast without sacrificing accuracy. I'm stuck around 148-152 ...but I'm starting to think thats the issue.
Hey, interested. Cold diagnostic was 135 with Kaplan..My score now fluctuates between late140s to 152.. haven't had a full PT in a few months.
Almost finished with my masters in English at a California State Uni...160 goal for Aug.
Are you going to be hosting another event? I did my LSAT last august and scored a 152 and I am reaching for 165 this year. I am going to do the exam in November 2021