... 's AMA from 1/8/18 below. Starting at ~42 min ... 151, Attempt 1: 157, Attempt 2: 163; Attempt 3, 171 2 hours or so at night ... or so a day) (2 hours at night included blind ... 7Sager @"Accounts Playable" 1/8/18
https://www.youtube. ...
Is blind review for an LR section -2 good? On the timed part I got -6..... First shot doing a timed section in a while :D. This method seems to be key. On a diagnostic I got -11 on LR! Taking June Test...
... applied to the Air Force 2.5 years ago, and it ... prior to this was about 2 years earlier and I got ... moved 11 LSAT points and 18 percentile points from my previous ... , and move on.