Hi Everyone:
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to spend the next month studying for the Feb LSAT. I work full time and want to make sure that I am using the time I have wisely. And any suggestions on how to improve my test score?
I plan on taking the June 2014 LSAT should I not receive my ideal score on the Feb. 2014 one.
I have inadequate knowledge as to whether or not having taken the LSAT twice adversely affects my shot at getting into a good law school. Any thoughts?
Well since the same people hopefully created the Feb 2014 LSAT, I was wondering how you guys felt about the Dec 2013 LSAT? I found it to be reasonably well. Nothing too crazy. Any one else?
Hi All,
I am registered to take the December exam but really believe in order to do my best, I should move the date to the February exam. My goal is not to attend a top school and the majority of the schools to which I am applying application ...