... :
PowerScore had ... what to expect for this cycle. Yes, there was over enrollment ... falling outside medians for this cycle. Adcomms love to say it ...
... implications-of-the-new-usnwr-law-school-rankings-methodology/
... who have taken on law school debt will be ... s graduating class who incurred law school debt. Again, higher ... https://blog.spiveyconsulting.com/2022-usnwr-law-school-rankings-predictions/
I at first thought a 170 would get me into the school I wanted, but now I'm hearing many more people are getting 180s. I feel like the 2022cycle is going to be more competitive, so really should I be shooting for a 175?
Reviving this excellent resource so we can add to it and keep it alive. Credit to @alyhobbs and the 3 years ago crew. Hope you all are killing it wherever you are.
Original thread: https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/16979/help-with- ...
Also in Ontario, taking the August LSAT and applying in the 2021 admissions cycle. I'm currently prepping around 4 hours a day 6 days a week. Would love to join if you have a group going!
Former admissions officer here. Taking the August or October tests are fine for the Fall 2022cycle. If you submit your applications upon receipt of your results, it would still be considered "early" in the application cycle. Good luck!
Bump cause I'd like to get more opinions on this as someone whose also stuck in the November LSAT/January LSAT but wanting to apply for the 2022cycle predicament