Can somebody explain what this means? I've gathered from some that it could just be yield protection and there may be nothing to worry about, but others seem to say it could spell trouble. I'm honestly just confused. Can somebody offer me insight as to ...
... . So I'm taking my LSAT next week and I've ... since this is my first LSAT, I want to retake it ... couple of days before the LSAT. I know I can't ... they wouldn't accept an LSAT as late as February, but ... February, but how bad does 3 tries on the LSAT look?
.I really do want to attend this school, but I can't go through with it If I will take on $200k+ debt for it. Biglaw is something I'm considering as well.
Just in case it helps anyone’s spirits, I struggled for 3 years with the LSAT and never got a high score. But I got into my top choice school and got straight A’s my first semester. Now I just have to keep my foot on the gas pedal.