... didn't have the best GPA or LSAT coming into applications. In ... and try to boost your GPA as much as you can ... then focus everything on the LSAT!
Hey, don't be so hard on yourself about GPA. The LSAT is also a big part of the application process. Do well on that and it for sure make up for your GPA!
Definitely agree with what the above posters have said. Also, the University of Montana has a median LSAT of 154. 150 is their 25th percentile. To have a really good shot you want your GPA and LSAT to be over the medians.
... schools ever reduce weight of LSAT scores for non native english ... for internationals without a reportable GPA, since LSAT is the only comparable ...
... , and Cornell likes the high GPA applicants. Penn is a good ... class with high LSAT/Low GPA and high GPA/low LSAT admits to obtain ... few of those. Hopefully my LSAT score comes back where I ...
LSAC has a “find school” section. You can submit your gpa and lsat score and they’ll show you your scores relative to schools medians and your chances of getting in
... , people would be abandoning the lsat in droves.
> ... is significantly less than the LSAT. Furthermore, the top students ... the GPA medians without taking a hit to their LSAT medians ... find high GPA/high GRE splits than high GPA/high LSAT splits. ...
lsac.org. School search. Input your gpa and lsat score. The output is a 2017 applicant’s chance of admittance with the input gpa and lsat. It shows a % range for every law school.
LoL. Please tell me ya'll are joking. At this rate, my gpa and lsat difference is going to just confuse people. Maybe that would work in my favor, tho.
You must have really impressed them with your resume and personal statement! I think those online calculators/predictors only factor in GPA and LSAT scores
... GPA (from 1998, after 2 attempts at college) and a 163 LSAT ... you in with a good LSAT; however many calculate scholarships based ... an index score combining your GPA and LSAT. The math hurts those ...
... GPA (from 1998, after 2 attempts at college) and a 163 LSAT ... you in with a good LSAT; however many calculate scholarships based ... an index score combining your GPA and LSAT. The math hurts those ...