... to eat healthier diets; an additional benefit for manufacturers would not weaken the argument ... contributing factors does not weaken the author’s argument.
Answer ... eating imitation butter does nothing toweaken the claim that we should ...
... you want to take 5 sections?
I mean, there's anargument for ... taking more than you need to in order to improve ... you don't need to do 5. In addition to future tests being ... total, you don't want to burn through prep tests by ...
... job is to read a stimulus and choose an answer choice ... on the connection the argument is trying to make between the ... questions, the answer is to find the assumption they are ... an additional factor that they're not considering that would weaken the argument ...
... require some serious thought to actually understand.
... I understand the argument enough to anticipate an answer choice? ... have the luxury to come back to this question, ... to forget about trying to skip only the 4/5 ... my time trying to force an answer choice, ...
... being my best section (-3 to5), and RC being my worst ... -6 or 7, including a -5 on my last PT (PT85 ... been to clearly differentiate between context, premises, and the conclusion of anargument ... . When I first started to PT, I found ...
... ago). So the skeptics offer an alternative explanation: the old ... So we are looking for an answer that makes the skeptics ... since our task is toweaken the skeptics argument this answer fails at ... human activity this does not **weaken** the Skeptics who are ...
... You are indeed trying to counter, or weaken a claim, namely ... at hand, aka strengthening anargument that will weaken another, I think ... did not, then according to the principle, the individual ... because it was beneficial to these powerful foreign companies.
... worse than others. So to strengthen our argument, we would say ... think you'd want to get rid of an inevitable health risk ... . You could likely force this to ... is to strengthen it.
... worse than others. So to strengthen our argument, we would say ... think you'd want to get rid of an inevitable health risk ... . You could likely force this to ... > And does D weaken the argument because it provides a potential ...
... br />
There are waysto 'fudge' the fonts without breaking ... graphically minded v. trying to fog the boundaries. to condense, change the number from ... to go over 0.2, but sometimes it's an ... you can do 11.5 pt, but that ...
... outs have nothing or little to do with the recruitment ... This answer choice doesn't weaken the premise-conclusion link for ... of graduates were recruited (compared to '80), and the high school ... answer choice A). It makes anargument that graduates make a higher ...
... This answer choice doesn't weaken the premise-conclusion link for ... of graduates were recruited (compared to '80), and the high ... answer choice A). It makes anargument that graduates make a higher ... percentage could still be due to high school dropouts
... you were trying to evaluate the validity of anargument? Is is ... acceptable to attack or challenge ... a sub-conclusion? Assume we have a weaken ... question-- would we ever see an instance of ...
... taxes would make them irrelevant to the argument
> < ... that would disadvantage them would weaken the argument.
> < ... taxes would make them irrelevant to the argument
> < ... provides an additional consideration, aka they want to make ...
... recruits compared to drop-outs, it weakens the argument that drop ... in number is equal toan increase/decrease in percentage ... This answer choice doesn't weaken the premise-conclusion link for ... choice A). It makes anargument that graduates make a higher ...
... weeks and would love to be able to score a 168+ on ... time understanding the form of anargument, when it's slightly different ... (for each section): -2 to -5
and RC: -5
... by any chance? Keeping an answer journal is extremely ... stimulus/misread something, aim to do stimulus translation drills. ... answer choices, try to do drills to identify any unwarranted ... that wants you to strengthen/weaken hypothesis, argument by analogy, common ...
... by any chance? Keeping an answer journal is extremely useful ... answer choices, try to do drills to identify any unwarranted ... question that wants you to strengthen/weaken hypothesis, argument by analogy, common ... go ham on strengthen/weaken/flaw questions in the ...
... ? And how many is "many"? 5? 20?
& ... aside from other flaws specific to those choices, is it also ... too weak to have much of an impact on the argument?
to mind the argument around the healthcare individual ...
... Reasoning tests your ability to figure out why anargument is bad. Rather ... on just 5 questions and really sitting on how to break down ... premises? What assumptions is this argument making? Why is this ... out the correct way to consistently get to the same answer ...
1. **Talk to yourself and be interested about ... author on one side of anargument and the researchers on the ... calls this "the scale"). 5. **Structure**. This is super ... get a reasonable score. To get to the highest echelon required ...
... type. We are looking for an answer choice that will guarantee ... />
A. This answer is close toan NA answer but NA answers ... only reasons, it would weaken the argument by showing that they cannot ... return the item to the spot ...
... the morning and an LG section at night to practice, you ... day. I would do an LR section, and for ... .e. I got 2 Weaken questions wrong), I would make ... with double the amount of Weaken questions I got wrong ... my score go from -5 consistently to 0 to -3 per section, ...
**Prephrase**: [it's an assumption argument, what is missing here? How ... poses a threat to safe driving" could be an if/then ... looking for an answer choice that links the premises to the ... sounds like you are trying toweaken something (the idea that ...
... response on why it's 5 minutes one then the ... />
>Soundness is when anargument is logically valid and factually ... />
A deductive argument is said to be valid if and ... false. Otherwise, a deductive argument is said to be invalid.
... dentist cites as evidence 5 studies showing that tooth ... dentist's argument holds. However, his argument was about the ... making this argument, and someone speaking out to say " Wait ... Toweaken this, we would need to attack the support structure of the argument ...
... importantly: WHY it makes the argument flawed. The vast majority ... s wrong with anargument whether it's flaw, strengthen, weaken, NA, SA ... , PSA. If you can read anargument and know ... . Was consistently getting down to -0/-1 this way.
... 's wrong with anargument whether it's flaw, strengthen, weaken, NA, SA ... unstoppable. Was consistently getting down to -0/-1 this way. to work for multiple people to have an awareness of any of these ...