At 15 PTs it may still be a bit early to have developed the intuition necessary to have a general idea what the LSAT writers are doing/wanting on a given question. Focus on BR and watching the 7sage explanations for questions that are stumping you.
... and endurance. That is for sure. You start to ... get a feel for the questions and the ... trend. Especially for LR I found that ... the test makers are looking for. High-intensity repeated exposure ... you have been warned. Just...for the sake of your neurons ...
... take notes.
2) 7sage (Starter). Once you've given ... work through, do the 7sage course. Start with Starter ... need for this test for less than $500 (7sage Starter for $179; Trainer for ... this message.
... expired, though that was probably justfor the previous stipulations. PDFs are ... technically still legal, there is just so much red tape that ... Cambridge still has them then just make sure you check the ...
Take a full week off at Monday is a great time to start... That's when I plan to pick back up with PTs. Maybe a little LG work this weekend justfor kicks but nothing serious until Monday.
I do 99% of RC with the highlighter, but justfor extra assurance that I don't skim over it I'll quickly note "M.P." in pencil when, and only when, I've decided that I've found the main point. Otherwise, strictly highlighter.
For LR I would recommend only ... to finish a section so for me it seems unnecessary to ... check after each passage/game justfor the peace of mind that ...
@sean.marz not a regular thing. This would be justfor this Saturday because of Halloween. I’d rather do 2 or 3pm EST this week rather than skip it or mess around with the schedule. But LSATurday normally will be 8pm EST.
... get to work on for longer, finish early and ... then go back for those second looks.
... basis. BR is not justfor getting to the right answer ... , it is for learning to recognize the patterns ... test is and they just change the details from ...
Justfor encouragement I started at 144 ... 162. I am thankful for the improvement, just having trouble getting over ... , Parallel Reasoning and Necessary assumption for me.
I basically used 7sage as a base and did the topics from the trainer that I felt I didn't have a good grip on post 7sagejust to get a different perspective... my flaw spotting became much better in particular after using the trainer.
Any of them. For myself anyway. LOL. But seriously, ... work of creating a name for yourself, a reputation, and establishing ... , in my opinion. Oh, and justfor your f.y.i, and ...
Justfor the record you are not supposed to take it on quizzes and all. It has to be done with a professional (my cousin is one so I know) even I have just done it online. But it's not supposed to be accurate that way.
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It's honestly just so you can get a ... day. Schools know that just because you opened your ... worked on your application just by reading your essays). ... no unexpected surprises 4 - for many people it helps ... or not. It's justfor your own benefit.
Highest score is the score. You can pretty much throw out Y justfor retaking but everywhere else will take that low 170 (or higher) and go with that. You can't change anything you've done so just get your apps on point and you'll be fine.
... was lacking, sometimes you just need a different perspective. ... to fall into place for LR for me after going ... 4. Repetition is key for me. It seems like ... I would buy the book justfor the flaw section, but ... key for the LG. You're missing about 6? Just repeat ...