... and more like a dream rather than a possibility. The ... , sometimes apoint or two lower. Here is my issue: I ... run out of time at the end and screw ... advice moving forward? At this point with a 3.9+ gpa, ... I would probably be satisfied with a ...
... with or advice for a long wait between check-in and ... testing center because of a marathon in the same ... getting up at 6:30 and taking a test at 9, but ... at 6:30, staring ata wall for an hour and taking a test at ... up my intensity for a long period of time ...
... to improve in LG to apoint where you can get ... at LR going in, I would average anywhere between -4/-6, with a ... I just did. Point is, you have a lot on your ... this is to get to apoint in LR where your ...
Lesson #4: Get the point in LR where you "just ...
... I've gotten to apoint where I feel unmotivated in ... do a logic game or an LR section, at least ... RC - I always get between -6 to -8 per ... example, when I read a passage that talks about geological ... sentences or string together a mental image, which contributes ...
... see where I was at. I missed an entire ... have gotten me apoint or two) and scored a 166.
... out. The only similarity between them is that they were ... anyone who has been at the point where they average -3 ... I'm just feeling a little nervous after talking ...
... on LSATs. It was a surreal experience to do ... . Worth eating and looking at cows). I can't ...
I'm atapoint now (generally) where I need ... br />
This morning, I had a strange experience. I did an ... really started to rust after a brief (!) vacation. I ...
at the apple. You’ll ... of the song. Take a look at this video for an ... through the break, or at the very least quickly picking ... make sure you can go between all four groups fluently, ...
... : To get you from pointA to point B
I ... to a “sufficient condition”). Let’s put the relationship between argument ... assumptions, let’s establish apoint of comparison with sufficient assumptions ... about building a bridge. The premises left you at one ...
... RC, but I'm having a problem quickly locating detail questions ... can read a passage and understand the main point, the relationships between the ... . It's either I look ata passage broadly, or in detail ...
I have a question about test taking. At the end of ... at the end of time on a section, this is a ... be able to at least fill out a bubble for each ... And there is a second or two between when the proctor ... the test with this issue?
... time), however, I was scoring betweena 165-169 before I took ... wondering is if I have a shot at Northwestern and Michigan with ... these credentials (I'm not a URM ... intense studying I can do between now and October. The thing ...
I have a 3.3 GPA (I know) ... WE for a MNC and I teach Legal English at an international ... . I also just received a promotion at work so I am expecting ... my question is this: at what point to you make peace with ...
... means giving people the shot at the doctors office while ... reflects that.
A director ata pharm company argues that the ... A: This is the correct answer, but I still take issue ... interpreted the costs of administrating a vaccine as part of ...
... didn't really have a deep, clear knowledge of ... /-3.. thought it was a fluke.. then have consistently ... 1/-2 total out of a whole section... 10 months ... have people experienced like apoint in time where one ... are all of a sudden scoring ata way higher range, ...
First, a little background. I self-studied ... 2014, with most PT's between 168-175. I probably ... so I took a break for a week and hoped for ... LG. This was upsetting at the time, but I ... distractions. I made it apoint to do every released PT ...
... that if you want a reasonable shot at practicing "big law" ... you have to draw a line at some point, but I'm just ... getting into big law firms) between Cornell (#13) and Georgetown ... significantly different from the difference between Georgetown and UT (#15)? < ...
... low 170s, although at this point repeated content was a problem. This past ... I did improve my score between the administrations. If I ... helpful or productive. Being good at the LSAT means, well, ... There's poor correlation at best between L1 performance and the ...
... thought about actually asking a question about my own ... need some sage advice at this point, since I am ... taking PTs for a month. For a personal reason, I ... taking a test a day at least 4 days a week for a ... enough. Timing has become a huge issue, and I would ...
... horror stories where the proctors at schools will constantly try to ... than desks. They put a space between everybody so there was enough ... ’t seem to be an issue. I am left-handed but ... turned out not to be a problem at all. 30 minutes before ...
... on BR? What is a typical range for questions ... questions you missed after a BR? What are some ... the PT number on which a respective mistake was made. ... one but wasn't a strategy I adopted until ... for the question type atissue, review previous missed questions ...
... filled out 2 whole notebooks between the curriculum and the PTs ... bed between 9-10pm every night.
I did score a ... , I had grown complacent, at one point using ADHD meds without any ... into my undergrad was a big turning point for me, and turning ...
... to get your advice on a current issue I'm having. I ... ridiculous, and I should take at least 20-30 PT's ... also seems there's a very high correlation between number of prep ... score (I also do struggle a little with time constraints).
... video or look at the question than look at the copied and ... />
I have no issue identifying what part of an ... />
Is there really a way at all to conclude something in ... said something like “Ted made a wholly truthful statement, therefore, ...
... I took, I scored around a 165, and I am ... I aim higher? Is there apoint in postponing until February? ... It's such a small score improvement that I ... another 3-4 months working at something where I really ... don't have a chance of improving much.