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The best way to overcome test anxiety is confidence. You know ... probably pretty typical as the testdate draws closer. You say multiple ... are as well. Think of test day as just another PT ...
... is coming up because the testdate is inching closer. I considered ... 2 years from my last test because of personal issues and ... anxiety to go away come test day.
... rather re-do the entire test untimed and make sure to ... score and not an arbitrary testdate my stress went from being ... about learning this test. This prepping for this test actually makes me ...
... week? Or, conversely, take a test one day, blind review the ... 33 PT's by the testdate; if I do every other ... NOT try to take a test every day and try to ... consider withdrawing from the September test and just sign up when ...
I registered for the September test far too early and have ... no. You can change your testdate on Tuesday (with a $ ... to the night before the test, and it will not ... for a score not a date.
Also,as ... goal score on a Feb test and are starting this ...
... frustrating that this one stupid test is getting in the ... crushed. So get any testdate out of your head and ... t as far as this test goes.... But they are ... It isn't an IQ test is the point. Disconnect it ... be studying anyways for this test. Give yourself all the ...
@kunalkanodia I am an accommodatedtest taker and its honestly very hard to get your LSAT changed on a different day and time. It depends mostly on where you live, testing center, and how crowded it is.