171 3.1 GPA. Why does LSN show I have a very small chance at NYU and the AdmissionsPredictor shows i have a favorable chance? Which one is correct - ED and URM
Has the admissionspredictor been very recently updated? I put in some numbers today and got very different results for some schools than I did earlier this week with the same numbers.
... noticed that the Law School AdmissionsPredictor appears to overestimate my chances ... to utilize the Law School AdmissionsPredictor in narrowing down the list ...
... updated our law school [admissionspredictor](https://7sage.com/predictor/) with data from ... 't be paying admissions officers to read files. Our predictor is best ... .
Should we apply to a target or reach school for early decision? Does anyone know what is considered as a target and reach schools according to 7 Sage AdmissionsPredictor?