Am retaking in November, have problems on all three sections that need to be addressed. Is it better to study one section at a time until it's down or do LR one day and then LG the next?
I have several study abroad grades listed under the category of "other grades" and I know they weren't factored into my overall GPA so would LSAC use them in their recalculation? Thanks!
I'm taking the June LSAT and looking for a study partner who wants to score a 170+. Can either be in-person or via Skype. If you're interested, message me.
Hello, I'm taking the November LSAT and looking for study partners, primarily but not limited to those also taking it next November. Could be in person or google hangout.
hi everyone, what would you suggest are the best study tools to prepare for the LSAT. i am currently using the lsat prep offered by the khan academy online but i’m not sure how effective it is. i plan on retaking the lsat in january
Just wondering if there is any one in the downtown area in NYC city wanting a study partner or study goup. Let me know if interested. I am planning on taking January Lsat and we can all meet in the library.
... to have more time to study and reach my full potential ... guess my goal with this study plan is to increase the ... average by sticking to this study plan. I am confident that ...
Hey guys, I live in Austin and I am looking for someone to study for the January LSAT with me. Please comment or dm if you are from the same area and want to study together!