This change does ... % of candidates applying for fall 2020 have completed a writing sample ... started but not finished a 2020 application have completed a writing ...
Can I please get feedback and recommendations for LSATMax as source for LSAT Prep
7 Sage is excellent,but I was wondering about LSATMax as a supplement source for LSAT Prep,thinking in terms of Jan 2020 exam
I got a 158 on the November LSAT, I have one more chance to write in January for 2020 admissions, should I write again??
(Applied to Ryerson, osgoode, queens, western, Ottawa and Windsor)
cGPA: 3.25, last two years: 3.8, two LSATS: 151, 158
I am a first time test taker and I honestly don't know where to start. I don't know what study materials to use and I truly need help building a study schedule. Can someone possibly give me tips that can help me out?
I am trying to change my picture for the Jan 2020 LSAT, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it. Is it too late?? The tickets dont get printed until Jan 6.