I am curious whether it is possible to reset the analytics. For example , I've recently started studying full-time again and wish to delete my current Problem sets and completed PTs. I can't seem to figure out how to do this. Thanks.
I was wondering if there was a way to retake a PT and input it into the analytics, or can you only take it once and input it into the analytics? The Core Curriculm is asking I take the 2007 PT, but I've already done it on Khan Academy.
So I recently purchased the prep test plus add on from LSAC and 7sage is telling me that its still not working. I wanna get my analytics for online tests. How do I make this work?
Just to confirm, is the degree gpa the one that is listed on your official transcript that your undergrad calculates? and the Cumulative gpa is the one that LSAC separately calculates?
Is there any way to remove or update answers on my Analytics page? It's showing I've only taken two exams (which I've never taken), with blank answers for each one.
I know the analytics uses prep tests. Is there a way we can add individual sections to it? Say I drill the logical reasoning from pt 5 can I add that to the analytics?
Is there a difference in the number/type of analytics you get with a free account versus a paid subscription? I only have a free account but would like to know what other analytics I'd get if I purchased a subscription.
Hi! My timing got messed up (my fault) on a practice test, and I knew I did really bad on it so I just skipped two sections. Is there a way I can delete this from my analytics / stats like you can for problem sets?
... I’m completing an online degree. Any tips on getting an ... letter from a completely online degree program? Or should I move ... with them while completing my degree. I’m just concerned because ...
... start date, end date, and degree date. Should I list my ... list both end date and degree date as Jan 2021 as ... ask for dates attended and degree date, so same question for ...
Which one matters the most to schools? My degree is lower than my cumulative. I'm writing an addendum as to why that is, but I'm worried this discrepancy will hurt my chances of getting into my top choice :(
Is there any way to sort analytics based on type of passages for reading comp? I want to see the overall trends in comparative passages I've done in PTs to see which questions I've most commonly missed so I can focus on those. #help