Before confirming for CAS, Step 1 is to "Enter Institutions Attended," and one of the fields requires you to enter in your email address. When I start applying for schools, would that email address be shown to them?
Anyone excited? I kind of regret pushing it back because I haven't been able to study much, with my 21 credit load but there is plenty of time from now until December.
... under the category of "TRANSFER CREDIT ACCEPTED BY THE INSTITUTION" ... with the credit information and alphabetical grade listed ... that it is a transfer credit. Since this was a ... 's a significant amount of credit...
... school we could earn college credit. There was no grade on ... . I took it and got credit for eight hours of German ... showing that I got eight credit hours of a 2.0 ...
... attention are: MSS, NA, PSA, AP, and Weaken questions, and in ... average 7sage student are: PRINC, AP, Weaken, and in terms of ... overall percentage wrong: PRINC, AP, MBF, Para, and MSS.