@waterspolo you might actually want to start ... with that heading so that yougetbetter visibility on the forum... this ... of your new discussion will get it out there for everyone ...
... a similar dilemma I will get to the PT stage next ... 't know how many PTs you are thinking of taking a ... idea but perhaps once youget to recent tests say PT 65 or ... random number) take all the tests if time permits. Best wishes ...
... said:
And to get biglaw, you would pretty much need to ... schools fight for the rest. Asyouget further out from T14, the ... , unless you devote your career to public interest and can get government ... 's (exception for some of you older folks out there :P ...
... it'd be fine. You'd get your score back the first ... week of November. If you prepare ... submit your applications as soon asyouget your results back, you should be fine ...
... perfectly normal to get worse before yougetbetter. There is plenty ... you'll definitely rock some problem sets and get overconfident only to get ... occurrences, especially before you have really learned all ... could help you with techniques of mindfulness. You're ...
... things are going well for you. Asyouget further into PTs they ... up so I wouldn't get too psychologically invested in ... easiest and it can throw you for a loop at ... first but if you just stick to the ... basics and use your skills you'll be fine.
Just keep plowing through the Trainer and keep PTing asyouget later in the book, it's really great for flaws so it should help. Try and get on some group BR calls so you can have the opportunity to review the whole test in more depth.
... 'ing! Your speed will come asyouget more familiar with the test ... . Also, get in the habit of predicting answers after you diagnose the ... to improve your speed once youget it down pat. Good work ...
... LG section is different as far as notations, I think. I ... 'll help you in the beginning but you'll probably ... it's not needed asyouget more familiar with the ... some games. Whatever gets you that point, go for ... 're repetitive so once you start studying LG won' ...
... games is repetition. Asyouget more practice, you will see the inferences ... of struggling for them. You must practice like a robot ... games, I would guess you haven't done the foolproofing ... pretty unreasonable timeline for you... unless you're happy with current ...
... in which parallel reasoning questions do not explicitly state that the ... the argument (asyou should always do) and note that you cannot select an ...
As far as staying motivated it's really just doing everything you can to ... to push you to get that score. as far as when you're not ... taking a break. Especially when you are further out from the ... decrease it bit by bit asyouget closer in order to try ...
... I see what you’re saying. Maybe you’ve uncovered an ... entirely. How youget there doesn’t necessarily matter as long asyouget there. ... It’s great that you’re ... timed conditions. Sounds like you’re really doing it right ...
... know: When youget knocked down, because you will get knocked down in ... doyoudo? Doyou lose your drive? Doyou accept that you have reached your limit? Or doyouget ... mad? Doyou scratch ...
... the free trial? If you started from the beginning there ... builds asyouget further into the curriculum. You don't want to get further ... and realize you don' ... t understand or you missed ...
... may differ a little bit asyouget to the 50+ PTs. you understand the different question types ... . Ultimately, you want to use the Newer PTs (40+) as a measure ... of what you have learned =)
You are correct in saying ... in which it is interpreted as most, and another in ... which it is interpreted as many. However, my question ... , what is it interpreted as? I feel like there ... word could be interpreted asyou wish. What doyou think? @desire2learn
... pressure are two-fold: One, getbetter at the test by returning ... taking timed sections should help yougetbetter at controlling the pressure and ... />
Lastly, if you think you have a legit anxiety issue ...
It seems like you are killing RC and LR, so that's a very good thing! LG will absolutely come and it is also the section with which I struggle the most. It seems like your plan is good; just keep fool proofing. Yougetbetter with repetition.
... time is for each game, you should be at least one ... for this is because you will get faster when you push yourself to ... test is incredibly formulaic, so asyouget stronger at making those key ... inferences, you will move much much faster ...
Especially asyouget further into the fool proofing ... to use the the inferences as codes that crack open a ... try as hard as possible to fake the "fun game" aspect until you ...