So would you say the individuals selected for the group interview are a mixed bag? Also if you don't mind could you share your stats (don't have to if you don't wanna!)?
Thank you very much for the reply, Alex, it was very helpful! I'm not really considering HYS or Northwestern so that is good to know. If I can get into UT Austin that would pretty much be my dream school.
Intuition tells me that you may be overreacting. I heard of applicants who thought they bombed their Gtown interview only to receive an acceptance later.
... you may have a poor interview and maybe you won't ... Caint" 's post of his interview with Georgetown. I know its ... would suggest to decline the interview. Why do it if you ...
Would schools do this if they typically don't include interviews in their admissions process? And how did you ask them (i.e. Can I have an in person admissions interview?)?
I basically introduced ... />
Then I asked for an interview. This is exactly what I ... would make them extend an interview invitation to you. When the ...